New Build PSU Advice Please


Aug 5, 2015
Hey all name's Robo I am a welder and enjoy PC gaming. I have a bad (or good) habit of purchasing the top rated PC components from previous years at deep discounts as this usually gives me a really good gaming rig on the cheap. I know the newer stuff is better but I usually enjoy good solid frame rates and have a good time. My current system I have put together is as follows.

Intel Q9550 CPU
XFX Nvidia 790i SLI MB
GSKILL Ripsaw Memory 4gb sticks 1600mhz (board max is 8 gb's)
2 Nvidia GTX 470 GPU's for SLI
H50 Water Cooler

What PSU would be sufficient for this rig and what hard drives would you recommend for raid?

From my research it seems 3.4 - 3.6 ghz is the sweet spot to OC the 9550, feel free to comment on this as well.
If we include a 7200rpm hdd and a dvd drive,then from outervision's power calculator we need a minimum of 639watts.A 470 by itself requires 38 amps on the 12v rail so 2 of them need around 76amps with nvidia stating the bare minimum is 55-60 amps.So,we are looking for a quality Psu around 850w,80+gold/bronze rated,and with 4 6pin pcie connectors.Any particular shops you'd like me to look at?
If we include a 7200rpm hdd and a dvd drive,then from outervision's power calculator we need a minimum of 639watts.A 470 by itself requires 38 amps on the 12v rail so 2 of them need around 76amps with nvidia stating the bare minimum is 55-60 amps.So,we are looking for a quality Psu around 850w,80+gold/bronze rated,and with 4 6pin pcie connectors.Any particular shops you'd like me to look at?
you probably would want a decent 700w PSU, anything more is a waste, that said, not all 700w are the same, look for good 12v rail. something over the 40amps even better. a cheap thermaltake Toughpower will do the trick, THat said, that system is rather old, so I am not sure exactly how much you want to spend on it. If you much use that, you will have to dump some money to get a good PSU, like above post, can never have too big if you can afford it. you can always use it again when you decide to buy a more modern system.
but I aren't a fan of TK, TK to me is like the fat kid at school, is the last thing you pick when you don't have other options. just my 2 cent.
Thanks for the reply, I generally shop with Newegg but I am always open to shop around. I came up with similar numbers. I was just trying to make this 700 w psu work, but I always like to have a little extra power as not to stress things to much anyways. I am also looking more towards bronze than gold for $ reasons.
I went ahead and picked up a 850w Antec 80 plus bronze mod supply. I figure the extra power will be nice when I load more drives or run a third gtx 470. Thanks for the advice :)