I recently just built a new computer. In doing so, I made the smart choice of getting an SSD for my OS. However, I also put in the old hard drive from my last PC to keep all those files. Is there a way I can access and run the programs on my old drive while having my SSD as my boot drive? Right now it boots in windows 8 on my SSD. I can access my hard drive and some programs such as NotePad++ work (I'm assuming since that programs doesn't effect the registry maybe?) but my other programs will not work. I would rather not wipe that drive and reinstall considering I have hours and hours of installs and settings setup on there. Is there a way to make my SSD boot my OS, but still run the old programs installed on my hard drive? (ALSO - old hard drive has windows 8 and all my files on it, never had 2 drives til now)