Question New build some problems...Hardware? Software? I just can't figure it out

Jul 29, 2023
First off I apologize if this becomes long winded. I had a long day/night with putting this together and than dealing with little issues. I'll put this issues as questions and appreciate any input.

  1. iCue keeps bugging out on my Dominator Platinum saying it stopped receiving data. This has been happening when I open other programs such as HWMonitor, CpuZ, and even Call of Duty. Only way I've been able to fix this is with a full reboot. Forcing update, closing and re-opening aren't working. The only things using iCue are my AIO, and the Ram. On the old system I was running the same Dominator Platinum but it was 4x16 where this is 2x32 now.
As said on my old system I just replaced I was running iCue with Nzxt cam and L-Connect without a single issue. It is an Asus motherboard but did not install Armory Crate at all, and have Aura turned off in bios, so no plug-in is being used.

2) x570 vs x670e my god this seems so slow. I updated almost straight up from a Dark Hero to a Hero and am having super long boot, and reboot times. I've seen the memory training issues but this seems way excessive. If I reboot I'm waiting longer than a minute for it to even start the reboot process.

3) My PSU (Corsair Rmx1200 Shift) is not showing up anywhere in Monitors. In the past (coming from a string of Corsair psu's) They would show the rails in the bios, or hwmonitor but it's not showing anywhere. Obviously it's working, but not quite sure why I can't see it anywhere.

4) Woke my PC this morning and noticed in Task Manager it had 21gb of Memory Cached. I did reboot and it's been sitting in the 2-2.5gb range since, but also haven't been doing anything impactful on the system as of yet.

5) In Device Manager there is an "Other devices" that contains a USB Controller and Unknown device with exceptions. I've tried uninstalling but it keeps coming back, and no clue what it is or could be.

6) L-Connect setup done like last PC where I had my AIO fan speed controlled by the MB, and rgb through the app. I set it up just like I did previously, but now I notice where you could use the fan speed dropdown to select PWM and now you can't. I only have one of two controllers connected to a MB fan header, but when I switch the main MB control all my fans start blasting full speed. It's not allowing me to set anything in the bios either.

7) Not sure if this is anything but now in HwMonitor my memory shows up as one entry together, and the past 4x16 kit showed as individual sticks with temps and info for each. Now it just shows for the 64gb set.

All I can think of at the top of my head after the brain exhausting day I had yesterday. I appreciate anyone taking the time to look over this.
i don't see anywhere that you mention uninstalling iCUE.
if this issue is the software itself then it could very likely have corrupt data.

I updated almost straight up from a Dark Hero to a Hero and am having super long boot, and reboot times.
if you have just upgraded hardware and are still running the same OS install it will likely lead to issues like this and/or worse.
make sure you are running a clean OS installation, are running the latest motherboard BIOS version, and have then properly installed all necessary system drivers from the manufacturers.
Jul 29, 2023
i don't see anywhere that you mention uninstalling iCUE.
if this issue is the software itself then it could very likely have corrupt data.

if you have just upgraded hardware and are still running the same OS install it will likely lead to issues like this and/or worse.
make sure you are running a clean OS installation, are running the latest motherboard BIOS version, and have then properly installed all necessary system drivers from the manufacturers.
Sorry yes I have multiple times even going as far as going into safe mode and deleting everything that had a trace of Corsair involved. I know the ram still works fine but iCue loses all contact with it and the rgb freezes.

This is a brand new system with a completely fresh install of windows. MB is on the newest bios from the start (updated before install). I have also reinstalled cpuz and hwmonitor still having the issue. Someone in another forum suggested it could be a Sensor sharing problem.

Never had these problems in the past on my old system, but I'm thinking as now I'm running a Corsair AIO that is being monitored in iCue could be the issue where as before it was only the Memory lighting.
Jul 29, 2023
the memory allowed proper control of it's LEDs right up until you installed the Corsair AIO?
No, what I meant was on the old system I just moved on from. This was a brand new build fresh windows install with the Corsair Aio/Memory. My old system was an Nzxt Aio and Corsair memory. So on the old system I had Nzxt Cam controlling the aio, iCue the memory, and L-Connect the fans to which I never had these problems using hardware monitors. Now all I'm using is iCue and L-connect and this has been happening from the start. Both sets of memory were Dominator Platinum, but of course it was ddr4 3600 4x16 old, and ddr5 6000 2x32 new.
start a support ticket with Corsair.
and check their support forums for reports of similar issue happening recently or with the same hardware.

maybe try doing the same with ASUS and see if others are having an issue with iCUE detecting their components with this board.

some later ASUS boards also have built-in BIOS options related to Aura Creator/Armoury Crate.
maybe you are offered some option(s) to disable these features that could help.

if all else fails just uninstall iCUE and install Aura Creator, and if necessary Armoury Crate.
most modern components are supported.