I want suggestions for a new build. I have something on mind but I'd like to get some other opinions too. Budget is 750 euros and it'll be used for gaming. Don't really have an interest in RGB.
Thank you for the reply, I'm from Greece.What is your country? Cause from what I know, the parts market differs quite a lot from country to country in the EU.
Thank you nonetheless. That's roughly the build I'm thinking or perhaps a Ryzen 1600 with RTX 2060.Due to the fact that I am not from Greece, it will be hard to find the best websites for PC parts there... But you should look to see how a build like this costs:
Ryzen 2600
B450 Motherboard
2×8GB DDR4-3000 or faster
GTX 1660 Ti
Any good quality 550w or more PSU
Much more expensive here unfortunatelyDo you want ray tracing? If not, the RX 5700 might be a better choice for graphics card.