New build, think the motherboard just fried :(


Sep 25, 2013
So last night i built most of my new pc. Put the RAM in, put the CPU in and the cpu cooler. plugged the PSU in. All waiting for the GPU which should arrive today. I powered it on last night and got to bios menu to make sure it booted.

The only thing i couldnt figure out is where the front fans connected to on the mobo. I believed I had figured it out and plugged them into one of the chassis fan portsd on the motherboard. And to check I decided to do a quick power on again to make sure they spin.

I pressd the power button and nothing happened. So i pressed it one more time and I seen a spark come from the motherboard and a "pop". Then the smell of burning. I powered everything down and couldn't see any obvious signs of something being blown or burned. So i unpluigged the front fans I had just connected and powered the PC on again.

Now it powers to the bios menu but says "CPU FAN ERROR". But no error code or anything. So can someone please help. what do you think went pop? And where do the front 2 fans of a corsair 500r (which are connected to a fan controller thing plug into? (On an ASUS Z87-plus).

Here are the specs of the New PC

CPU: i5-4670K
CPU Cooler: 212 EVO
PSU: XFX 650W Semi modular PSU.

the rest i havent plugged in yet. but wil link them anyway.:

GPU: MSI Gaming R9 290X
SSD and an HDD along with a dcd rom drive

Any help is appreciated. I hope the damage isnt irreparable
OK now I know the cpu fan controller plugs into PSu not the mobo and thats obviously what wen pop. BUT. everythign powers on and the only error I am getting is the CPU FAN ERROR. No LEDs stay on except the boot device LED cause I dont have on installed.

Is there anyway to check to see if I have been extremely fortunate and not completely f'd up the whole motherboard? This is my first time building and Im guessing plugging case fan controllers into the mobo no the psu is a common rookie mistake

Did you plug the fan cble of the 212 evo onto the yellow fanheader at the top of the board?

Just trying it out and see if it works.First just try with the igp.

I guess that you've found the molex connector at the back side of the motherboard tray that needs to be connected to the psu...
at the bottom.


Hi there,

The fan for the CPU spins, but its at a low RPM. Anything under 600 RPM seems to be a cause for warning but i havent found how to change the CPU fan speed manually in the bios yet.

I have evertying connected up. Ive ran several stress tests with the CPU temp never going above 60 celsius and Ive been playing games for the past 90 minutes with no issues. I am hoping that I was fortunate with the motherboard.

Yeah i found it. And i plugged it into another molex power cable that looked like it fitted a fan connecter on the mobo. But its plugged into the PSU now. Such a silly mistake to make.

I have a Z77 board so it may be different but this is where it is for me,

click "advanced mode"->click "monitor"and scroll down->look for "cpu q-fan controll" and click the rpm->you get some choices,choose the one lower than the lowest rpm of the cpu fan->save changes! (i think F10 still works for that).
Thanks Vic that worked a charm.
The PC has been on through the night doing updates and downloading games. I have been playing pretty intense games on it as well and I am hoping if the motherboard was going to fail it would have done so by now.