New build, what would you change?

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A high end gaming motherboard gives better network card which 99.9% of people don't give a whoop about. As long as it works. They give more features for overclocking which is useless if you don't overclock. Some added software for tweaking within windows. Better cooling and cool looks with heatpipes and covers. And the big thing is better audio and onboard headphone amplifiers. The audio is useless if you use a USB headset or external DAC with headphones. Some also have built in WIFI. Again useless if you plug in. And useless if you want a WIFI card that matches your router protocol for high speed.

The higher end chipsets support multiple video cards at PCI-E x16 while other chipsets will be PCI-E x8. But if you only use 1 video card this is pointless as well. You can usually get away with a nice $125-175 motherboard and skip those fancy $300 gaming boards unless you absolutely want the extra features.

I'm an Asus fan myself for motherboards. Rock solid reliability and a great website.

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