Hey all,
Here is my part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zLMRD3
I will be doing CS (computer science) at Uni so this build will be running multiple programs, as well as a little of photo editing and very light gaming (browser based and WOT) and also watching vids. Is this going to run things fine? I don't think the GPU will run WOT very well, but that's fine as I hardly ever game. The SSD is for booting, and I don't think I will OC (maybe in the future). I am trying to keep this as cheap as possible, as I am on a budget of around 600.
Here is my part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zLMRD3
I will be doing CS (computer science) at Uni so this build will be running multiple programs, as well as a little of photo editing and very light gaming (browser based and WOT) and also watching vids. Is this going to run things fine? I don't think the GPU will run WOT very well, but that's fine as I hardly ever game. The SSD is for booting, and I don't think I will OC (maybe in the future). I am trying to keep this as cheap as possible, as I am on a budget of around 600.