[SOLVED] new build wont load windows help 20+ hours!

Sep 10, 2019
New build wont load windows help 20+ hours!
B360 HD3
2x8 corsair 16gx4m2b3200c16
sandisk 1T sdssdh31000g
AMD HD7850
Have installed and rebooted many times.
Have seen the welcome screen a couple of times, even entered the password, but never got to the new desktop.
Might be ram settings, did you go into bios and set it for XMP? If you did try it on auto and see if you get to the desktop. If not it might be an issue with the 7850 any other cards around?

If nothing helps there
Trying in safe mode is a good place to start, since you can't see in windows USB is probably the way...
View: https://youtu.be/9_fKbE7iEbw?t=165
I was able to get all the way to setting up offline account. entered the user name and password. Then for the first time I was answering 3 questions for password recovery and the screen went blank in the middle of it.
I am weary. I have gotten further before but always did the log on with account. Got sick of all the extra typing so just doing the quickest way now. But never have seen the password recovery questions because I was using online account. Whick as I mentioned I have got to the screen that shows a pretty background and the time in large numbers and entered some of the password. but always screen goes blank there. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
pretty sure its video related. will seek out test card. tried 6870 that has blue bars down the screen and installed and got to the desktop. it has since blinked off. the monitor i mean. we were trying to wait before getting 2070 next month but am pretty sure its vid card,

just saw your response. it was good with the old hardware, i7 860 and what goes with it but it did die. so maybe it was 7850. we assumed the mb/cpu/ram/ect was to blame. because the card still worked most of the time. after putting in the older and crappier + defective 6870 with the blue bars, istallation was faster and we got to the desktop if only for a few minutes. I am thinking some incompatibility issue. looking for that old htpc card right now just to get up.
thanks for the help. the safe mode info got us a little further. I am betting vidcard bad/incompatible at this point. let you know when the other shoe drops.
gave you a couple of ups.
believe it or not been a toms regular since 96. showing my age now.
Was the video card/cards. tried the 7850 then 6870 but didnt try a 6970 because big heavy and the other 2 didnt work in the way way. Thought was driver/compatibility issue. out of desperation tried the 6970 and it booted like nothing ever happened!?!
Was about to buy cheap card just have pc up and running but was planning to buy rtx 2070 next month so what a waste.

As for oc'ing the ram all I have to say is you always get running first. when the new vid gets here i'll try a little hotrodding.

Thanks for the help/handholding. never gone to a forum for help before.
