New build won't POST, No Video. Fans running. ASUS Z97


Dec 27, 2012
I spent all day yesterday trying to find out why this new build won't post.

Intel 4690k
Asus Z97-AR


NZXT Phantom 530

From my old pc
Anter Basiq 500w (pretty old) -
PNY 1333 MHz (from my old build) -
Seagate Barracuda...

I went through all of the troubleshooting procedures.

1.Checked the video card in my old build
2.Ran it without the video card
3.Used different monitors and connectors
5.All ram combinations in different slots
6.Unplugged everything but PSU/Ram/Processor
8.Checked for proper cpu socketing
9.Attached a speaker (no beeps)
10.Checked my psu on old build
11.CPU fan is plugged in
12.4 pin connector is plugged in
13.Cleared CMOS

My thoughts are that the ram may be too old though I doubt it. The motherboard supports an 8 pin connector however my PSU only has 4 but that shouldn't matter. Maybe I am missing something.

You would have to borrow a 4670K or 1150 socket CPU and update it there, then put your CPU back in.
Just saw the edit which came in after the responses.

You have tried most of the stuff and put a lot of good effrot in BTW,, since the PSU is old I would try another, I know it still starts the older system but maybe the new build doesn't like it, don't know what else to try off top of head

Np, I accidentally clicked post hoping it would take me to a larger edit screen. I followed that guide thoroughly.

Good. Take out RAM and see if it makes 3 beeps.

I did, nothing. Both boards.

Reseat the CPU one more time, make sure that it makes contact with all pins and that none on the motherboards are bent.

I meant the 4 pin near the cpu. The main power is plugged in. It's possible that the speaker is dead but that would just be super shitty luck.

Yes, 4 pins there isn't much. I recommend at least 8 pins there. Try a different PSU (borrow one or buy a new one) with 8 pins, like the

The rule of thumb has been that CPUs do not need all 8 pins plugged in (4 is fine) unless they are heavily overclockd AMD monsters - I doubt this has changed but what does the motherboard manual say about the CPU aux connector? Might be worth trying a different PSU anyway since you have ruled out so much else. Also, maybe try some different RAM on the approved vendors list?

It is worth a shot to have 8 pins plugged in.

It is worth a shot to have 8 pins plugged in.

I'm at work but the CPU has been re-seated seeing that I swapped out the board at Micro center yesterday...

Bring it to microcenter and see if they can test it on their systems there. If they can't do that, head over to a PC repair place and see if they can test it.

I will be picking up some ram first thing after work today. What is the aux connector?

I also thought about that one but how would I upgrade the bios if I can't see anything?

with an older cpu, or take it to microcenter, also the bios ver. should be printed on the MOBO box, maybe


You would have to borrow a 4670K or 1150 socket CPU and update it there, then put your CPU back in.