Newly built PC, when I turn it on it starts to do all the POST checks, gets past CPU just fine however after the DRAM led goes off the VGA led never comes on and the system shuts itself off. It proceeds to restart and do the same cycle endlessly.
When there is no ram in the board I get the no RAM beeps as according to the mobo manual, but as soon as the ram is put in i get the above error.
All components taken out of the box and assembled correctly (no bent CPU pins, cooler applied multiple times with new thermal paste and same results.)
Power supply tested and working in another PC, tested that PC's working supply in this one and get the same error.
Changed out the ram sticks with the working ones in the other PC and same result.
Pulled out everything except CPU and one RAM stick, same problem.
Tried different motherboard RAM slots, same problem
Leaving me to believe this is a hardware issue with either the motherboard or the RAM.
CPU - i7 8700K
mobo - Rog Strix z370F
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX cmk16gx4m2b3000c15 (2x8gb)
PSU - Corsair CX650M 650W bronze
Please help me! I feel like I've tried everything and searching google gives no similar results 🙁
When there is no ram in the board I get the no RAM beeps as according to the mobo manual, but as soon as the ram is put in i get the above error.
All components taken out of the box and assembled correctly (no bent CPU pins, cooler applied multiple times with new thermal paste and same results.)
Power supply tested and working in another PC, tested that PC's working supply in this one and get the same error.
Changed out the ram sticks with the working ones in the other PC and same result.
Pulled out everything except CPU and one RAM stick, same problem.
Tried different motherboard RAM slots, same problem
Leaving me to believe this is a hardware issue with either the motherboard or the RAM.
CPU - i7 8700K
mobo - Rog Strix z370F
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX cmk16gx4m2b3000c15 (2x8gb)
PSU - Corsair CX650M 650W bronze
Please help me! I feel like I've tried everything and searching google gives no similar results 🙁