Here is my build, just pieced it together in PCPartPicker so you guys could see it. I powered it up and it brought me to the 'New CPU/Mobo' start up screen, so I turned it off and got it into place, plugged it all back up and now it won't work. Nothing was knocked/dropped, literally just shuffled to the side a little and the case put back on.
Opened it back up, no wires knocked out/dislodged - all is still solid. Any advice?
Here is my build, just pieced it together in PCPartPicker so you guys could see it. I powered it up and it brought me to the 'New CPU/Mobo' start up screen, so I turned it off and got it into place, plugged it all back up and now it won't work. Nothing was knocked/dropped, literally just shuffled to the side a little and the case put back on.
Opened it back up, no wires knocked out/dislodged - all is still solid. Any advice?