Approximate Purchase Date: 8/1/2011
Budget Range:$600-700
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming.
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS,memory,hd,cd drive,powersuply,Processor(Phenom II x 4 BE).
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Primarily Newegg.
Country of Origin: US
Parts Preferences: Amd. other then that none
Overclocking: yes
SLI or Crossfire: yes
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments:
Budget Range:$600-700
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming.
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS,memory,hd,cd drive,powersuply,Processor(Phenom II x 4 BE).
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Primarily Newegg.
Country of Origin: US
Parts Preferences: Amd. other then that none
Overclocking: yes
SLI or Crossfire: yes
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: