I've built myself a small desktop PC for general use, but I now find it to be sometimes kind of slow, even for regular stuff like opening Thunderbird (takes too long, and my HDD/Windows is new and empty). I'm not too computer savvy, so I don't know whether I need more RAM or better CPU? And is it essential to get an SSD for much better performance, as they tend to be three times more expensive?
Also, after I get one of those to speed it up, do I also need a more powerful PSU? And what about an additional fan - am I going to need one? Because it all adds up... Thanks!
This is what I currently have (that's all of it):
8GB (2x4GB) Corsair DDR3 XMS3, PC3
500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda
1GB EVGA GT 610, PCIe 2
Fractal Design Core 1000 Black micr
Gigabyte GA-H61MA-D2V Gen 3 USB 3.0
Intel Core i3 3220, S 1155, Ivy Bri
450W Powercool PSUPC450AUBAM, Modul
I've built myself a small desktop PC for general use, but I now find it to be sometimes kind of slow, even for regular stuff like opening Thunderbird (takes too long, and my HDD/Windows is new and empty). I'm not too computer savvy, so I don't know whether I need more RAM or better CPU? And is it essential to get an SSD for much better performance, as they tend to be three times more expensive?
Also, after I get one of those to speed it up, do I also need a more powerful PSU? And what about an additional fan - am I going to need one? Because it all adds up... Thanks!
This is what I currently have (that's all of it):
8GB (2x4GB) Corsair DDR3 XMS3, PC3
500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda
1GB EVGA GT 610, PCIe 2
Fractal Design Core 1000 Black micr
Gigabyte GA-H61MA-D2V Gen 3 USB 3.0
Intel Core i3 3220, S 1155, Ivy Bri
450W Powercool PSUPC450AUBAM, Modul