New computer build. No video output and no post or error beep.


Dec 3, 2015
I made a post the other day somewhere about bent pins. Got a different motherboard. Set everything up and I'm still having issues.

I've tried everything in the troubleshoot sticky, no dice. Even with only cpu and heatsink, no beeps. I have no idea what's wrong. Made sure to put a speaker in because the motherboard did not come with one. Fans and everything start up but no video or beeps.

I have an i7 4790k, msi z97s krait. The other parts I know for sure work because I swapped them into the old computer and booted fine.

So does this mean I got unlucky and got a motherboard that was DOA? Or possibly even the cpu? I might end up having to take it to the shop but this 1k computer build is ending up being a lot more expensive.

Any help appreciated. I'm fairly sick about this because this is my brother's build and I'm helping him with it. First the bent pins (which I'm positive we did not bend), and now this. Already $130 over budget because couldn't RMA.
Check and make sure you have those little copper things that keep the mobo from grounding.

Check all of your connections. Like alot. I've done multiple build and consistently forget things.

I've been sloppy with adhesive before and got some on the side of the CPU, wiped it off and got a post after.

DOA isn't too common (in my experience)
I've been checking everything for several hours. Made sure of those. Cpu may or may not have it on the side. Unlikely but I'll check tomorrow.

The fans turn on and everything. R9 390 fans do not. HD 6970 fans turn on full blast if I swap it in. Not sure if that can really say anything.
Well, of course make sure the Power Supply is on - it seems obvious, but you wouldn't believe how many times I've forgotten that little switch.

When you press the power button, does the Power Supply fan spin? Or any other fans spin?

Since you're using an Intel based system, you may also want to make sure you're putting your RAM in the slots that your MOBO manufacturer recommends. My z87 recommended 2 and 4 for dual channel RAM.

You can also try bridging the power connectors on the MOBO, just in case the power button isn't doing it (This is also helpful if you want to take your MOBO out the case to make sure nothing is shorting on it.

You mentioned all the other parts worked as you swapped them out. Does this include your Power Supply?
Now, from my knowledge, if a mobo starts without a CPU, it wont give you a post code at all. Could also be the monitor. The 390 fans not spinning is odd though too. I actually just installed one myself and before crimson the fans did spin after initial startup. Sounding like it could be CPU bro. Check manual or google and see if there are beep codes for bad/missing CPU. If it ain't that, could be the monitor. Beyond that I'm just about of ideas. I'll keep an eye on this and chime in if I can think of anything else though.

I'm tired so I've left out some things but yes I tested the psu. In my last post I made I added some more info on it. Everything seems to start running but no beeps, no video. R9 390 no spin, HD 6970 spins full blast. Not sure why there's a difference there.
I have a 290x, it spins full blast immediately as well. I don't have any idea as to why the 390 wouldn't - especially if it does in your other PC.

I think one thing to try would be to plug in to your integrated graphics, the BIOS may not be set to read from your GPU yet, and that could be why you're not seeing anything. You may have to change this setting before you can use your dedicated card. It shouldn't have to be this way, but it's always a possibility.

Tried this as well. I'm really worried it's the cpu. I think the only way I'll know is it I can take it to someone to test if it's the motherboard or the cpu. I don't have any 1150 socket mobo or cpu laying around.
Just an update. My brother brought it to the local computer shop and they tested it and the mobo is fine. The cpu is apparently cracked.
I know it was not cracked. They stated it's cracked from the extra large heatsink and that the heatsink was not seated properly. I've swapped this heatsink around several times. I know it was seated right.
I'm completely positive they physically broke the cpu while taking it out. I had to take off a heatsink on the motherboard to place it properly then put said heatsink back. They probably just tore it out and put extra pressure on the cpu in the process.
At least I know it was the cpu. No way I can RMA it's physically broken now though.
Not sure what to do at this point. Guy says he'll fix it for $370. Feels bad man. Now my brother is going to think I borked it because super computer tech guy said so.