new computer, video game issues help.


Dec 24, 2013
I have a question..
I bought and built my computer less than 2 weeks ago

When I play video games like Assassin Creed: Black Flag
Some of the generated players are; Invisible / Missing but you see the rope tied around them, Don't load until you're standing on top of them, Break dance on the floor with a detached limb.

And then when I play other games like XCOM: Enemy Unknown;
Invisible ships flying to destination, FPS lag only when a certain (one) enemy moves.

Is this a problem due to my computer parts being infected? OR is this a game problem?

my build:

CPU: Intel i5-4670k
MB: MSI Z87 - G43 Gaming
MEM: G.Skill Ripjaws X series 8 GB
Stor: 1TB Blue Cavier WD 7200 RPM
GC: Asus GeForce GTX 770 2GB
PS: Corsair CX600 Watt
OS: Windows 7 64 bit

1440 x 900

all my drivers are up to date

except my "HD Audio"
I reverted this back due to the fact I was having Mic Issues
But I don't see why this should affect my gameplay

By "installing" the new drivers it asked to delete the old drivers first and by that yes I did uninstall.

If you meant Add or Remove Programs or Registry.. then no I didn't uninstall it that way