New computer which was working is now not showing display


Apr 2, 2017
Hey I recently built a new computer. It worked and I used it but now after a few days when I switched it on there is no display.
I am using a HDMI to VGA adapter.
My specs: pentium g4560
8gb ddr4 ram gskill ripjaws
H270 motherboard gigabyte
Corsair vs 450 power supply.
Rx470 8gb gpu asus strix

When I switch my computer on all the fans seem to be working
GPU works everything seems to be running but no display on monitor.
it was just some loose connection with the power cable and the pc itself which made to keep rebooting. fixed that now. thanks a lot for ur help anyways.
it was just some loose connection with the power cable and the pc itself which made to keep rebooting. fixed that now. thanks a lot for ur help anyways.
No problem.

"When I switch my computer on all the fans seem to be working
GPU works everything seems to be running but no display on monitor. "

"it was just some loose connection with the power cable and the pc itself which made to keep rebooting. fixed that now"