new CPU and Motherboard upgrade


Aug 24, 2015
Hello guys,

I'm "upgrading" to an i3-6100 on a Gigabyte H110M-K motherboard..I also have a new GTX 1050 Ti which I didn't get to test yet because my old system is an i3-4130 + B85M-HD3 with an old GTX 460 that I guess stopped working...I'm not sure whether it's the PCI-e slot that doesn't work because the GTX 1050 is not being detected on that system either, then again in the bios it says it's legacy and I read somewhere that the nvidia 10 series only works with UEFI or something, I even tried updating the BIOS but im not even sure if it did..only changed like from version FF to FH.. .but it really confuses me because in my bios settings I still see options for UEFI and/or Legacy for some things).anyway I gave up on the old system so I got everything I need now.. I'm just wondering what is the right way to do how do I get my windows up and running on the new system? Do I need to buy new cables for everything, can I use my old HDD still? Any pointers would be nice..I also have a new case but not a new PSU..I have a 550W right says MS on it so I'm not sure if that's good enough or not...

any help would be appreciated..also if anyone knows anything about the GTX1050Ti not being detected when installed in the PCI-e slot on Legacy bios..I would like to know more about that

I'm sorry I wasn't specific because my intention was more to ask what I should do go get the new system running but it's like this

I'm using a MS 550W PSU, it's like 3 years old

I tried updating the bios with @BIOS (seemed to work since it changed versions from FF to FH (in Speccy)) but the card doesn't get detected (neither one)
I've checked most things I could find online but nothing seems to work.

So to answer your question; when I use the onboard gpu (intel HD 4400) I can boot fine
When I have either one of the GPU's in the PCI-e slot the computer will boot but I will only get a signal on the monitor with VGA (with the integrated gpu)..
FYI, I've used both a 1060 and Titan Xp (a 1080 on steroids) in pure compatibility BIOS mode (non-UEFI). On the other hand, I've only used this with an earlier Windows 7 version (pre-UEFI...the install disk isn't capable of installing in UEFI mode) and Linux, so some o/s versions may indeed have a UEFI-only restriction.

Can you get video in the BIOS setup screen over the 1050? If you can, then you know the card is detected (the PCIe signal is good for that case). Having the card not detected is quite different than the operating system not being able to use the card. Are you using HDMI or DisplayPort? If VGA, then you need to dump the VGA and go HDMI or DisplayPort. VGA would contribute to an operating system not being able to see the card...if it turns out UEFI is required by the operating system and there is video loss after the BIOS setup, then this too might be a cause when set to compatibility BIOS mode.
I cant check right now but Im not sure I was able to get into BIOS with only the 1050 attached..I will check that later though

I'm actually using a DVI cable, is that very bad?

DVI is usually ok. There are some exceptions, but most likely this is ok. HDMI or DisplayPort is preferred if you have that.