Hi, I have a Dell Dimension 2300 desktop. The original CPU fan for my PC started making a bunch of high pitched noise and it eventually just quit working. Which ok, this PC is a 2001-02 model, so I figured maybe it was time for a new one anyway. So I went to my local computer parts store with my old CPU fan and they sold me a new fan that was like the old fan. Well this new fan isn't working in my PC. And when I got home with it I discovered that it was a tad bit different than my old fan. The older fan just had one wire coming from the fan and it was a small 3-pin connection that connected directly to the motherboard. This new fan has 2 different wires. One is a white wire that has the 3-pin connection that connects into the motherboard (where the older fan connected). And then it also has a red & black wires that lead to a 4-pin connector, but the only place available to put this 4-pin connection is to plug it into the hard disk drive/area with all the wire coming from the power supply. There is no 4-pin connection on the motherboard. I'm not sure if I need to plug in BOTH of these to get the CPU fan to work properly or not. However, if I just plug in the white wire with 3-pin connector into the motherboard, and boot up my PC I still get the "CPU fan not detected" message and the CPU fan doesn't work. It's not turning at all. If I plug just the 4-pin connection into the HDD/power supply (there are 2 available area to connect) the PC won't even boot up. It just won't turn on. So what gives? This seems like a no win situation.
Can anybody offer any help or advice? Thanks in advance.
Can anybody offer any help or advice? Thanks in advance.