New CPU for Prebuilt HP


Feb 1, 2018
Hi everybody,
About a year ago I purchased a prebuilt HP desktop tower.

The reason I want to upgrade is because of the GTX 750 TI being massively bottlenecked by the current CPU. The motherboard I currently have does not allow me to install the CPU I was hoping to get. (i7 7700K)

If I buy a new motherboard and CPU will I be able to install all this without any worries?
Will I need a new cooling system?
If it is more cost effective to start a new build, can I rescue the GPU from the HP?

Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes, I know there's a lot of stuff here.

Every part of the tower can be found here


According to this thread not even the duo core A6 7400 should bottleneck your graphics card. You have a better CPU in your system.
Answering your question, the AMD A12-9800 would be a good upgrade in case you are sure the...

Thanks for this,
Do you think buying the A-12 9800 will be enough to stop the bottleneck?
I use FL Studio and play CSGO mostly, and even these kill my computer (100 fps on csgo and quite laggy in FL sometimes)
I don't really know how CPU's work, but going from 3.1 ghz to 3.8 ghz doesn't sound like much of a difference
Processor upgrade information
TDP: 65 W
Socket type: AM4
Motherboard supports the following processor upgrades:
Integrated Graphics
AMD A12-9800 (Bristol Ridge) 3.8 GHz Quad Core
65 W
Radeon R7
AMD A10-9700 (Bristol Ridge) 3.5 GHz Quad Core
65 W
Radeon R7
AMD A8-9600 (Bristol Ridge) 3.1 GHz Quad Core
65 W
Radeon R7

.7Ghz different? that 22%

According to this thread not even the duo core A6 7400 should bottleneck your graphics card. You have a better CPU in your system.
Answering your question, the AMD A12-9800 would be a good upgrade in case you are sure the cpu is the bottleneck.