
Mar 11, 2010

iv just upgraded my Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz to a 3.2 Ghz HT.

Since doing that my system will totally freeze (mouse not moving, keyboard num lock light not working) and the only way to get out of it is pressing the reset button. Although if i put the old cpu back in the system works fine. It normally freezes between boot up screen and up to 3-4 hours, so it is totally random.

I'v looked around on the internet and found that it could be RAM timings or the power supply.

I'm not really sure what to do with the timings but i have borrowed a more powerful power supply but this made no difference. I put the old one in and overclocked the cpu to 3.4 Ghz, doing this actually stopped it freezing for much longer but will now go at 2-4 hours.

So im still thinking it could be something to do with the ram as the frequency of the ram has changed when i overclocked it.

My old processor was o/c to 3.15 and had no problems with that

A few other things i noticed: when the system freezes the hdd light will still keep flashing and could hear it working, also if listening to music this would keep on playing till the end of the track not just stop.

My full specs are:

VIA PM800DMS Motherboard

2x kingston DDR 1GB

256mb ATI Radeon HD 2600 AGP

80GB Maxtor IDE HDD

40GB Maxtor IDE HDD

Creative soundblaster Live PCI souncard

2x Sony DVD RW combi

if you need anymore info just ask





Mar 11, 2010
Tempretures are normal: full load with fans on low 51C CPU temperature all other temps are below 50C. I have run tests before overclock and after both passed with no warnings but before overclock it wouldnt run long enough before it crashed


The motherboard supports the CPU and there are no bios updates. The motherboard claims "prescott cpu support" as a feature. The board was made in 2006. So the CPU should work. I'm wondering if perhaps it's having trouble with the higher power requirements of the prescott 3.2GHz. Try lowering it to stock speeds and reducing the voltage. See if that makes a difference.

Anything else I can think of like the chipset dying or the AGP graphics dying don't involve the CPU. But they are still possibilities.

From your description though you said that music would keep playing until the end of the track. So your system could still be working just not responding. I know there were some problems with hypertransport with the pentium 4s but I'm not sure what they were. Try disabling it in the bios if you can and see if that makes a difference.

Sorry I can't help with anything definite.


Mar 11, 2010
I believe i may have stopped the problem, but i dont know if it counts as solved.

It now runs 100% stable for any amount of time with the CPU clocked to 3.39ghz (212mhz x16) and the voltage at 1.385v

Does this make it any clearer as to what the problem was?
If it played an audio track all of the way to the end and the hdd was still functioning, and now it is ok with a slightly lower clock then I suggest the following:

Was the AGP synch or asych (locked or unlocked) with the FSB? With a lower FSB the AGP bus may have been lower ... when higher it could have casused system instability wit hthe graphics.

Was the NB getting excessively hot - no cooler on that sucker eh?

Unlikely to be the RAM as it would have locked up altogether.

Unlikely to be the CPU as it wasn't overheating, and if the music still played on then the cpu was working away.

Anyway ... hope this helps


Mar 11, 2010
I had a look and there wasn't the option for synch, but could have been a cause thought

My NB has heatsink cooling stock and i added a fan in the summer which brought the temps down by 5C

Thanks for the suggestions