I recently bought a new CPU, the i5-9600k in replace of my old cpu the i5-7500. On boot after resetting the CMOS and putting in new thermal paste the PC started for a second with fans spinning and then powered off. The motherboard diagnostic lights say it was due to the CPU where it either is not detected or failed.
I put in my old CPU and the PC worked with no problem.
Things to note:
I had to use a paper-clip for the CMOS reset PC
PSU: CX 500
MB: B250m Motherboard MSI
New CPU: i5 9600k
Old CPU: i5 7500
Image of PC
I put in my old CPU and the PC worked with no problem.
Things to note:
I had to use a paper-clip for the CMOS reset PC
PSU: CX 500
MB: B250m Motherboard MSI
New CPU: i5 9600k
Old CPU: i5 7500
Image of PC