[SOLVED] New CPU, Old Cooler?


Nov 10, 2019
I got a ryzen 5600x the other day and I have a hyper 212 evo cooler just sitting in my closet because I switched from intel to ryzen. And i've been wondering if it would be worth the time to switch the stock cooler for the ryzen out with the hyper 212 evo. Would it make a worthwhile difference? Or should I just buy a new cooler.

Cooler: https://www.coolermaster.com/catalog/coolers/cpu-air-coolers/hyper-212-evo/

Thermal Paste that I will use: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JmYLrH/arctic-mx-4-2019-edition-4-g-thermal-paste-actcp00002b
if the cooler has the right adapter for the am4 socket, then it would be worth the time. not seen anything on the 5000 series cooler but i believe they are the same ones you get with the 3000 series. those had this real annoying low frequency hum that makes it worth replacing. the 212 evo is a 150w cooler which is a lot better than the stock one.

i have a 150w cooler on my 3000 series chips (a 3600x and a 3700x) and don't regret the decision at all. much quieter and a lot cooler. the stock cooler is good enough, but that noise made it a no go for me.
if the cooler has the right adapter for the am4 socket, then it would be worth the time. not seen anything on the 5000 series cooler but i believe they are the same ones you get with the 3000 series. those had this real annoying low frequency hum that makes it worth replacing. the 212 evo is a 150w cooler which is a lot better than the stock one.

i have a 150w cooler on my 3000 series chips (a 3600x and a 3700x) and don't regret the decision at all. much quieter and a lot cooler. the stock cooler is good enough, but that noise made it a no go for me.
if the cooler has the right adapter for the am4 socket, then it would be worth the time. not seen anything on the 5000 series cooler but i believe they are the same ones you get with the 3000 series. those had this real annoying low frequency hum that makes it worth replacing. the 212 evo is a 150w cooler which is a lot better than the stock one.

i have a 150w cooler on my 3000 series chips (a 3600x and a 3700x) and don't regret the decision at all. much quieter and a lot cooler. the stock cooler is good enough, but that noise made it a no go for me.
I also might ditch the Hyper 212 EVO later on if I want even cooler. And if I do, ill buy a watercooled AIO. So I dont have to worry about overheating.. Thing, is I dont want to spent over 90 dollars on one. These two are the best AIO's i've found but I dont know if they live up to their name and give great cooling:
an aio would work as well. but i only answered your question which was if the 212 evo was worth installing.

and that answer is yes. if you decide to go AIO down the line, then come back then and ask about them. folks will know what is worth it and not worth it, but we can't predict the future. so best to ask when you are ready to buy. never know what new thing will come out, when and at what price.
if the cooler has the right adapter for the am4 socket, then it would be worth the time. not seen anything on the 5000 series cooler but i believe they are the same ones you get with the 3000 series. those had this real annoying low frequency hum that makes it worth replacing. the 212 evo is a 150w cooler which is a lot better than the stock one.

i have a 150w cooler on my 3000 series chips (a 3600x and a 3700x) and don't regret the decision at all. much quieter and a lot cooler. the stock cooler is good enough, but that noise made it a no go for me.
Yeah, you were right. I instaled that 212 EVO and my temps dropped by 25 degrees. Thanks!