New CPU slowed down my graphics card?!?!

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Mar 3, 2013
My graphics card performance seems to be seriously degraded after installing a CPU that is twice as fast. How can that happen? That does not make any sense to me.

My system before the upgrade:
CPU: E7200 (2 core, 2.5 ghz)
OS: Windows 8
Graphics Card: Geforce GT 240
Power Supply: 630 Watt
I upgraded my CPU to a Q9550 (4 cores, 2.8 ghz). Now 3 different graphics tests show that my graphics performance is much worse. The CPU performance is actually exactly what I expected it to be.

***Windows 8 Experience Index (with E7200)***
Processor: 6.2
Memory: 6.2
Graphics: 6.7
Gaming Graphics: 6.7

***Windows 8 Experience Index (with Q9550)***
Processor: 7.3
Memory: 7.3
Graphics: 6.2
Gaming Graphics: 6.2

***3DMark06 (with E7200)***
SM2.0 Score: 3801
HDR/SM3.0 Score 3897
CPU Score: 2257
Total Score: 8702

***3DMark06(with Q9550)***
SM2.0 Score: 2438
HDR/SMS3.0 Score: 2305
CPU Score: 4343
Total Score: 6363

Standing in a specific location in World of Warcraft with E7200 gave me a frame rate of approximately 45 fps.

Standing in the same location in World of Warcraft with Q9550 gave me a frame rate of approximately 27 fps.

Let me make it clear that I did not upgrade my graphics card. It is still a Geforce 240 GT and I did not change my graphics card drivers.


The best answer to this question is from my own reply (see below). I accidently selected the wrong answer.
Ok, I feel like an idiot. I gave up too quickly before trying everything that I had thought to try. After writing starting this forum thread, I discovered two other symptoms. First symptom was that on system power on, it took longer than normal to get to the POST screen and it made some clicking noises which I don't remember from before. It didn't sound anything like POST error code beeps so I did not know what to make of it. The 2nd symptom was that when booting up windows, the computer sometimes locks up before getting to the login screen.

So before I started the thread here, I had thought to re-seat the graphics card but I was sure that it was flush with the PCI Express connector and I thought to myself, "naaaa. That would be an ALL-OR-NOTHING kind of problem anyway".

So I decided to re-seat the graphics card this morning and now everything works as expected. All three tests I did above (WEI, 3dMark06, WOW) are now giving the results I expect to see. I have done a few cold boots since then and everything is still working. Problem solved.
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