New Custom PC Build With no Post or Beeps


Jun 15, 2015
I was assembling my new PC and I finally put everything together and there was no beep from the speaker and nothing showing up on the monitor. I tested the monitor and it was working, the fans were all spinning, and the LED lights in the case lit up. I tested all the cables, reseated the RAM, CPU, and applied new thermal paste. I still get no beep from the speaker.

EDIT: The motherboard's current BIOS version might not support the CPU so I do not know how to update the BIOS if I can't get the CPU to run with the motherboard.
What are the 4 digits after B in the board's serial (B1xxx)?
Is a case speaker$S300W$ connected to the board?
If yes, and starting the board with only CPU and CPU fan installed (no RAMs), are you getting any beeps?
What are the 4 digits after B in the board's serial (B1xxx)?
Is a case speaker$S300W$ connected to the board?
If yes, and starting the board with only CPU and CPU fan installed (no RAMs), are you getting any beeps?
Thanks for the response alexoiu, I tested it with the speaker and no RAM, just the CPU and fan, but still no beeps. I ended up just getting a newer motherboard (Should arrive tomorrow) and it's BIOS should support the CPU. Anyway the newer board has some nicer features.