Question New CyberPower PC can't run games

Dec 28, 2019
I just got a new CyberPower PC for Christmas (AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB) and it crashes any games I try to run. It crashes after about 30 minutes of playing. I thought it was a heat issue at first so I set up a small fan to blow on it and it doesn't get over 65 C. I can tell when it's about to crash because everything will start to look wonky, and then it will freeze, the screen will go black, and it'll completely crash the game. Last time it happened, I had to actually sign back into my computer. Also, my GPU is wonky. When I press ALT + R it opens up a Radeon Software tab and I can see my GPU utilization bouncing up and down all the way from 0% to 100. As you can probably tell, I don't know much about computers (especially this new PC) so I'd really appreciate any help at all with this issue.