New Cyberpower PC issue..


Jun 3, 2016
So, I just purchased a CyberpowerPC from bestbuy, it came with the Ryzen 5 1600, XFX RX 580, 8GB DDR4 (2400) RAM, Asus Prime b350m-a mobo. What brought up my issue was playing world of Warcraft. I was getting major FPS drops and blizzard had me run userbenchmarks which came back,

They told me my ram is bottlenecked. I'm not sure if it's because cyberpower took "
Adata DDR4 2400 2OZ 1x8GB " and split them up and put them in the computers. The Adata DDR4 2400 comes as pair (2x8GB) Would this cause performance issues? Even the ram says 8(16) I turned on AMDs version of XMP on my motherboard. CPU-Z Says 1197.1 Single channel, Do I double that like people say? Or does that only work for dual channels? CPU/GPU temps are great everything is fine in that area.
I'm not sure if the ram is your bottleneck. I know duel channel is supposed to be better. But one should still be fine. Warcraft should only use like 2gb of ram. You can open your task manager and look. Maybe if you had a bunch of other programs running.

I have a gtx 1060 in my laptop. I get 60-90 fps on ultra (1080p) in populated cities. I would assume you should get something like that. Maybe more.

Usage for everything is fine. I'm on settings 1-7 in bolars or whatever the new zone is with 40-50 fps on 1.. something is wrong for sure. Reinstalled game, windows, drivers, chipsets, just doesn't help.