New Gaming Build, Needs Reviewing


Apr 20, 2015
Howdy, I've been working on getting a new system to replace my current comp, which will be handed down to a sibling who has been needing a new system for a while now, mostly for office stuff like e-mail, or something like Netflix.

After doing a fair amount of research, I found my way to, a site I didn't know existed, but found immediately helpful (if it is reliable.) This is the build I came up with, and I'm hoping it can use the ram, hard drive, and disk drive from the old one.

I need some help with finding out what graphics card would be best for my needs, and I also have some other questions.

Can I reuse the parts I've specified from my current system with little to no error?

Is that a good MoBo to get? I didn't know most of what I need to look for in a MoBo, so I just picked the one with what I know I needed, and had a decent price and favorable reviews.

I have heard of problems with the CPU I've picked, particularly overheating with the stock fan. Should I go on and spring for an aftermarket cooler, or wait and see if the one I get doesn't have the overheating issue?

I'm hoping this build can run most recent releases at max/high quality, and last a good couple years with some upgrading along the way. Thanks for taking a look, don't hesitate to inform me of any errors in my post, along with any requests for additional information.
Quite nice, should work great.

You seem set, build looks great by the way, probably would get about the same thing if I had the money for it.
Z97-A is alright, Z97-K is also a good option.
What GPU are you planning to get?
CPU is more than great, air coolers aren't expensive, you should take it since you can OC that processor.
It will last a long time!

If you a re planing to use the PC just for gaming, maybe you should consider Intel's i5. It is 100$ cheaper and delivers same performance as the i7. Intel's i7 has better use in applications that require more power such as content creation and other rendering/editing software.
As for the Asus Z97 A, it is pretty good Motherboard. My brother recently bought it, and he was really pleased with its features and quality. It is one of better Z97's out there.

Almost any CPU struggles with stock cooler. It is wise to invest in aftermarket CPU cooler.
i5 4690K is a great choice if you wish to save some money and in gaming, you won't see much of performance differance since both of these CPU's are more than capable for gaming.

For the GPU, if you have enough cash, go for 980Ti, great bang for buck.
If thats too much, you could try going with a 970. Or perhaps wait a few more days and see what will AMD bring with it's 300 series. Instead of the 970, you could get a 290x, similar performance, 970 barely gets better performance, but the 290x is cheaper.

that's kinda the part I need help with right now, I'm hoping for something that can run thing like GTAV on high/max without massive frame drops, and something that will not need an upgrade for at least a year or two. I would like to keep my total under $1000, if possible, so I would say up to $200-$350ish?

Hm, for 200, I recommend 280, personally I ran GTA V at 50fps, stable, on mostly max settings, 280x is about 15% better performing, a bit more expensive.
For 350$, GTX 970, hands down, one of the best bang for buck GPU's.

970 will run really, really good at 1080p for years to come, you should be happy with it even more than two years.

I may end up using this system for things that require more power, so I personally would like to invest in a more powerful CPU. I probably will end up getting a better cooling system at a later date anyway, I was just wondering if I should go on and get one now, I probably will now.

good to hear its a decent MoBo, it looked alright, but I'm no expert on this kind of thing.


alight, that looks good, ill assume that one until I better option is presented to me, thanks.

the last question is the one about reusing the hard drive and the Ram, will I have any problems with them?

the 2 sets of Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB, and the Seagate barracuda 2TB, they are currently being used in my current system, but I'm hoping I can pull them and reuse them in the new system, saving me from having to purchase new ram, and a new hard drive.

I also added the power supply, case, and GPU on the partpicker page.