New GAMING build question (CPU,GPU,MOBO)


Jul 15, 2016
Greetings, so I'm building a new GAMING PC, just wanted to know if and how these components would work together:

-Intel Core i5-6600
-MSI 7970-001R Z170A Tomahawk
-MSI Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 4GD5T OC 4GB
-Corsair VS650 ATX Series VS 650 W

I agree. Spend your money more wisely and you could get a much better video card as well.

i5 6500
H170 or B150 motherboard
Seasonic 520w psu

Would be about the same price
they would BUT

- a Z170 board is only useful when you go with an overclockable CPU like a 6600k. otherwise a H170 board will be better suited and gives you better bang for the buck
- the Corsair VS is low quality. find a nice 450-550 Seasonic / XFX unit (except XT series)

I'm sorry I'm not an expert on components and what not, what version of the 1060 would you recommend? All I could find was the 3GB GDDR5 version.