new gaming headset for hearing footsteps AND for audiophile purposes


Jan 24, 2015
I am interested in buying a good pair of headphones for listening to music with great quality and also for gaming so i can hear my enemies foot steps. my choices are the Massdrop x Sennheiser PC37X Gaming Headset, OR the Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 6XX Headphones WITH a AntLion ModMic 4.0. I want good virtual surround sound for gaming, but I want to use them for more than gaming IF i get the HD 6XX and i want to use them for audio quality for music.

also if anyone could recommend me a DAC and AMP for the HD 6XX. and for gaming with them would i need a sound card?

basically, is it worth the money to get the Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 6XX Headphones WITH a AntLion ModMic 4.0? or should i just save my money and get the PC37X. its double the prixce for the HD6XX and modmic.
My son had a $355 set of Sennheisers and when he broke them and sent in for repair (repeated standing up at 6-4 finally pulled out the wire from the set ... he grabbed a G930 from Logitech ... its all he ever uses for gaming now and I use a G933 which serves me well when 'harvesting materials' and some nasty thing approaches from behind. My son will still put on the Senns say when lying in bed listening to music. Personally, having gotten involved in hi end audio, 40 years ago, i gotta "feel" the music as well a shear it so don't really enjoy headphones for serious listening... so not really in a position to comment. But for gaming, Id have neck sprains from the wires yanking my head around when I stand up and the g933s give great...,review-4152.html
according to this, while a terrific headset,
Sennheiser removed the PC 373D's virtual 7.1 surround sound from the PC37X while adding the angled sound drivers found in the company's high-end HD598 and HD600 headphones. The result is a headset that consistently sounds great without any tinkering, though that might put off control freaks who like customized settings.
this might upset you, depending on what you want sound customization wise when you're away from games/on other equipment.
If you're an audiofile where you want to use this on your other sound equipment I would go for a modmic with the headphones you listed. Your mic may not be as good, I'm not sure really as to quality, but the reviews for the headphones are listing it as top notch.
If this was to be used as gaming only, then I'd definitely go with PC37X as they specifically say direction/footsteps are easily deduced from the sounds, meaning while audio settings away from games may not be as great, gaming wise this is a very smart choice as you don't have to tinker with the settings to get this effect.
Up to you ultimately.
My son had a $355 set of Sennheisers and when he broke them and sent in for repair (repeated standing up at 6-4 finally pulled out the wire from the set ... he grabbed a G930 from Logitech ... its all he ever uses for gaming now and I use a G933 which serves me well when 'harvesting materials' and some nasty thing approaches from behind. My son will still put on the Senns say when lying in bed listening to music. Personally, having gotten involved in hi end audio, 40 years ago, i gotta "feel" the music as well a shear it so don't really enjoy headphones for serious listening... so not really in a position to comment. But for gaming, Id have neck sprains from the wires yanking my head around when I stand up and the g933s give great positional sound