NEW gaming PC build (1st timer)


Feb 25, 2016
Hi poeple!

To start, im not from USA or anywhere near that but it doesnt matter 😛

I would like to build a new PC that would be only for gaming. I browsed a LOT and found some parts that for me seemed solid for something that i need right now. Im not a guy who will buy a new PC every 2 or 3 years. (i had a PC for like 8 years, it was not my build but still it was really god at that time)

So I would like my PC to be good for 5-8 years if that is possible now. (by good i mean i can play games on "normal" settings, but i would not mind high haha)

I dint mention that this was my 1st build and that i know just a little bit on the PC building subject.

I would like to hear your proposals/opinions on everything!!
I cant get offended so pls just say if this build is crap.

So the build is
motherboard MSI Z97 GAMING 5
CPU INTEL Core i5-4690K
HDD WD Black 1TB 7200rpm 64MB
WD Blue 1TB 7200rpm 64MB
RAM your proposal? should i get a CORSAIR 8GB Vengeance DDR3 1600Mhz CL9 or a CORSAIR 8GB Vengeance DDR3 1866MHz CL9 x2 (i want 16GB) or should i go 32? what combination to use... (diferent ram, your opinion)
Video card MSI GTX 960 GAMING 4G LE GTX960 or should i get MSI GTX 960 GAMING 4G GTX960 (what is the diference (or should i pick another card??) i would like it to be 4GB
Charging CORSAIR Carbide Series SPEC-03 (is this enough)
Case CORSAIR CX Series Modular CX500M (i would like to have 2-4 USB ports if possible 1 3.0 and that the case can have a lot of fans)

Thank you all!!
Your build is very good.
An intel i5 based build should last well over 5 years, but the GPU is going to need upgrading more often.

But I would tweak your build a bit.
I have an SSD, and it makes my PC extremely fast to boot, open and install programs and do windows updates.
As you can see from my signature, you can do a small overclock with a lower budget.
8GB of 1600 ram is fine. If you need more in a few years, it is very easy to install, and every year it gets cheaper and cheaper.
A GTX 950 is almost as good as a 960, for less money. Serious gamers would go for a GTX970, but you might want a 950 for a year or two, then upgrade to a superior pascal GPU available from end 2016.
There are many power supplies available, and a Corsair...
Your build is very good.
An intel i5 based build should last well over 5 years, but the GPU is going to need upgrading more often.

But I would tweak your build a bit.
I have an SSD, and it makes my PC extremely fast to boot, open and install programs and do windows updates.
As you can see from my signature, you can do a small overclock with a lower budget.
8GB of 1600 ram is fine. If you need more in a few years, it is very easy to install, and every year it gets cheaper and cheaper.
A GTX 950 is almost as good as a 960, for less money. Serious gamers would go for a GTX970, but you might want a 950 for a year or two, then upgrade to a superior pascal GPU available from end 2016.
There are many power supplies available, and a Corsair CX is average for reliability. You can do a lot better for a small amount more money. See the Toms Hardware PSU tier list. Don't economise on the PSU.
Almost any case should be fine. One or two case fans will be enough for your build
Thank you for your reply!

SSDs in my country (and near it) are really high priced so i dont want that and i think i can manage with HDDs for now.
For the ram il go 8 then thank you 😀
I tought about GTX 950 but now you cleared my doubt! So you say it is better to buy a new GPU every 2 or 3 years then now to buy a high end one? and buy them every 4 to 6 years?
Can you please recomend some to me, off al that i really dont know what to pick... And in your opinion do i need a power supply stronger then 500W??
And about the cooling, is the CPU fan enough or do i need something more?
EDIT: can you tell me please is MSI gaming 7 worth the extra money now? (i think that it is not)
500W is enough for me, so it will be enough for you too.
But be careful, some 500W power supplies give stable power and will last for many years... and some 500W power supplies are cheap and nasty, will fail much sooner, and possibly damage the rest of your PC. Suggest you look at the Toms Hardware PSU tier list and see what is available in your country.
Most people have one case fan extracting hot air at the back of the PC. Some people have a fan at the front too (blowing cold air on the GPU)
IDK about MSI gaming 7

one more haha

so do i need to go tier one or is tier two good enough?

Tier 2 is fine, even tier 3 is OK. Forget about tier 4 and 5