Hey all techies, I'm planning on getting a new pc this fall/winter and my budget is 1000$. I have put together a seemingly good build over at pcpartpicker, and ill link the permalink (http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Yrwjnn). But, while diving around on the internet, i found a couple prebuilts that seem like a really good deal. One is from newegg, and its is the shockwave-xm1070. the other is on amazon, and its the cyberpower gamer extreme VR GXiVR8020A Gaming Desktop. prices as of now are 720$ and 1050$ respectively. Basically what im asking is, what out of these three builds is going to get me the best performance, and bang for the buck? TLDR: Which of 3 builds is all around the best? Sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance!