New Gaming PC, Is it good for todays Games?


Mar 29, 2017
Here are my basic specs.
Intel i5 6600 k
GeForce 8 GB GTX 1070 ROG OC edition
16 GB corsair RAM
Windows 10

I got very good results with games Like Rise of the tomb Raider, Battlefield 1 and the Metro Last light benchmark but GTA 5 Ran horribly on this computer am I creating some type of bottle neck or is that game not optimized for GTX GPU's
I have the same CPU/GPU combo but with 16 GB RAM and I get a smooth 60 FPS at 1080p on Ultra settings. I noticed that when I turned on V-Sync everything went to hell and there was a lot of screen tearing so this may be your problem. I'd try fiddling with the some of the game settings and see if it may be something minor like that. I also suffer from rare but very noticeable drops in frame rate when there's a lot of stuff happening onscreen, especially when driving at high speeds in downtown Los Santos. Fortunately these only last for a few seconds.
I have a similar system and have played GTA V on it and got good performance so there may be an issue you're having with that game. Define horrible performance for that game and specify what resolution and settings you're using. Some of the advanced graphics options will eat up an insane amount of processing power and will tank your framerates if you turn them on.
GTA V is a very well optimised game it must be an issue on your end with settings you have enabled and such. My old GTX 760/FX 6300/8GB DDR3 ran it on Medium 1080p really well with AA on pretty high. Your GTX 1070 and i5 6600K should run that game superbly make sure your drivers are up to date and as Supernova mentioned, check your in-game settings particularly "Advanced Graphics Settings".
I just reinstalled the up to date driver and I'm reinstalling GTA 5 at the moment. I get very high FPS like 186 but there is a massive stutter to the game dropping it down to 120 or so every few seconds so its very annoying and almost unplayable. I have tried multiple settings such as playing around with different resolutions I tried all the FXAA stuff and MSAA types but most are affecting the way the game looks but none seem to change anything with the amounts of frames and stutter I'm getting.
reinstalled the up to date driver and reinstalled GTA 5 slight performance in crease but at normal settings across the board and messing around with msaa fxaa and v sync nothing seems to change with the constant frame drops and stutters.
I have the same CPU/GPU combo but with 16 GB RAM and I get a smooth 60 FPS at 1080p on Ultra settings. I noticed that when I turned on V-Sync everything went to hell and there was a lot of screen tearing so this may be your problem. I'd try fiddling with the some of the game settings and see if it may be something minor like that. I also suffer from rare but very noticeable drops in frame rate when there's a lot of stuff happening onscreen, especially when driving at high speeds in downtown Los Santos. Fortunately these only last for a few seconds.