new gpu.. bottleneck ?


Jul 3, 2015
i recently got zotac gtx 1050 ti

my system -
amd fx 6300 6 core - 3.5ghz
8gb ram
gtx 1050 ti 4gb gddr5
450w corsair vs450

issue -
in every game , no matter what resolution iam playing in the fps remains accurately same..
eg - in gta v in a particular area if iam getting 45-50 fps in 1080p and then i switch to 800x600 the fps will still stay at 45-50 fps .. 0 % diiference .. same with all other games ..

the graphic settings does make difference
in games like cs go tomb raider , low - high settings gives me 30-50 fps difference .. but in gta v its very less ..

iam really worried why m i not gaining fps when iam switching to 720p or 600p

first i ignored this then i searched and realized this is a major symptom of bottlenecking .. please help ..

cpu gpu usage test in first comment below
i used msi after burner to test cpu gpu usage ..

gta v - gpu usage and cpu usage both hovers around 70 - 90 %
tomb raider 2013 - gpu usage - 90 - 100% cpu usage - 50-60%
yeah your describing a CPU bottleneck. What ever your CPU can get at the lowest settings and resolution is what you should get at any resolution assuming your GPU is powerful enough. Since your getting the same frame rate at 800x600 as's time for a CPU upgrade.
Yes, you are describing a classic 'CPU bottleneck' situation. Reducing the resolution makes no difference, whilst turning down certain graphics settings (not all - but some like shadows and effects) will give some slight improvement to frame-rate. Plus you are getting high CPU usage in Afterburner.

As atomicWAR says, there is not a lot you can do when you are CPU bound other than get a faster CPU.

You could maybe overclock it to help a little, if your motherboard/CPU cooler will allow this. 'Zen' launches early next year by the way.


cpu usage is same as gpu usage in gta v and in tomb raider cpu usage is at 50 and gpu usage is at 95
and iam having this issue in tomb raider too ..
Question from june047 : "new gpu .. bottleneck ?"