New GPU but problem?


Aug 12, 2015
So I've been having a big issue that is explained in another thread I'll link to below. (It's not required to be read).

The meat of it is, my rig isn't old but it certainly isn't new. (in computer terms it's ancient but be realistic..)
I want a new GPU and was thinking about the 1060 3gb because even though it's heavy on the budget, it's pretty future-safe in my opinion.
I don't want any conflicts with my rig however as I can't afford to buy more than just the GPU at the moment. Also I currently have a GTX 560 TI and I am not sure about sizes.
The 560TI barely (and I do mean, barely) fits in my case as it is, the 1060 is probably even bigger which means it won't fit, so I'll need a new case too. So if that is the case (ha-ha!) please give me a recommendation for a case as well.

My components for information:

GTX 560 TI
8GB ram
2HDD + 1SSD (os, w7u)
Intel core i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz
Be Quiet 500w

Thread made before:

The thing is, the problem is still there, I replaced the PSU and put new cooling paste on and everything, all my temps are great.

ps: the problem from that link and the reason why I need a new GPU is that my screens (both, so it isn't the monitors problem) keep going black when on heavy load. Hence I was thinking temp but that didn't turn out to be so. I'm left with the only logical conclusion of; my GPU is semi-broken.
ya, I broke my fan blade and some how screwed up the fan motor on my 7850 I just took a old card and took the fan out of it , and super glued it in the 7850 [mounting holes not close ] , but worked good still today

''I do feel like a new mobo down the line would be a good thing however.
Do you have any recommendations for one that isn't too expensive but would still be better than what I have now? ''

???? whats good for me , him , and the guy down the road may not be so much for you ??

why I said to grab the new card and if it work then that gives you time to look things over not in a rush to buy and build

AMD has pretty much nothing going for then right now and I aint too hip on intels new skylake platform ...
just be sure your old motherboard will support these newer cards . things aint so plug and play anymore if you motherboard aint got the right bios offered or updated to support newer cards it may not work at all .

may want to look at that well before you just go buy a card

what driver are you using ? may go back and find a driver from the past that you know workd well and re try it and see if it does the same

I feel when you got older cards or what ever and use the latest drivers there more tuned to the latest cards and that older stuff kinda get left on the back burner

then with a old driver from your cards time frame works well then you can kinda know there maybe a issue using the latest drivers with that card

like my AMD hd 7850 I use 13.12 but any of the ''later'' drivers all ways seemed to have a issue in some way I never got with the older 13.12 on it rock solid all day

even my newer gtx980ti I use older 355.82 on it I try the latest but come right back to it

That's what I thought as well, I had the latest drivers then I uninstalled them all and did a clean install of an older driver set a few days back, nothing changed, problem was still there.
I did literally everything I and the internet had to offer as solution so I narrowed it down to "buy new component(s)".

I just need to make sure there aren't any conflict in my purchases. I currently have this motherboard:
msi 7522

bios version/date American megatrends inc. v1.5, 4/20/2009
smbios version 2.5

I have to add I am not entirely sure my computer is showing the correct specs, as it also says I only have 2gb ram installed though I have 8.
But that's a problem that has only been there since today for whatever reason, and it might just be an odd software thing rather than suddenly 2 sticks of ram being broken.

My system information and computer properties say; 2GB Ram installed
software like; CPU-Z say 8GB, 2x2+1x4

I popped it open just to check, they were all sitting correctly, all pins seemed to work fine and such but I rearranged them just to be sure.

ps: my pc is mostly dustfree. Just throwing it out there, as much info as I can possible give you guys.
pps: if you know a way I can check for 100% certainty how many ram sticks my pc is using / work, then let me know.
( I don't mean work as in, they might be broken, as I tested the pc with just one ram stick, then the second, etc. they all work )

Dumb question perhaps but mini gpu's are fine? they're not worse or have more trouble with cooling?
well you hate to buy a new card and find your in the same boat with it and it was something else causing the issue like it ended up a cable went bad or something ? I don't do multi monitors and just go with one large screen

x58 boards have had good luck using newer cards in them but like z68 seemed to have to do some hoop jumping [go figure ] .. and this was sen a lot from z68 guys issue threads . may not be bad to go with the boards latest bios to insure that

mini cards I guess are fine you got to assume they would not release a card that was not going to cool properly and 1 fan or 3 a lot depends on case air flow and room air temps fan profiles , ect........ you see 3 fan cards run hot just as well as a 1 fan card

don't forget the 10 series don't not have any native analog support like if you use a vga monitor or something so with check you overall requirements OS support monitor support what ever , I went with a gtx 900 card for these reasons cause the new 10 series did not support me and all my needs

no point buying a card that you got to go support it when theres cards you can get that still fully supports you and all needs ..

when I looked up MSI 7522 this was the board I got ????

is that correct ??

You make a good point.
That board seems to be it, although I am not entirely sure, just from looking at it, it looks 95% correct. (some colors are off for one)

That's the whole thing though, I don't want to buy a 1060 only to bottleneck it due to the rest of my components, nor do I want it to be stressed out because of bad airflow or an unsuitable case.
Hence I need to know what works and doesn't and what the next logical step forward would be.

This seems to be even closer ^ MSI X58 Platinum SLI LGA1366 ATX Motherboard MS-7522-020 is what the image says.
It's pretty much a 1:1 of what I have in my pc. so it must be it or very similar to it.
you could use a program like hwinfo64 ? it gives good detail

cant go by close that can make for a bad day if wrong

aint the mother board stuff printed on the motherboard pcb ?

''I don't want to buy a 1060 only to bottleneck it due to the rest of my components '' I doubt it but with anything processing power is processing power a lot may depend on if the program uses gpu or cpu .

no matter what one thing will hold back the other somewhere some how depending whats in demand

like me I use a non k 4670 and a 980ti - will a more powerful cpu help ? why yes will a lesser one hurt ? yes

wiil the 980 ti run stronger then a gtx 950 yes but do I feel the 46770 and the 980ti complement each other - I do

your cpu and a 1070 [1] card Core i7-920 Processor&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

same but a 1060 Core i7-920 Processor&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060-6GB

wheres the bottle neck there ? looks like with a 1070 its doing the job and the physics score are run through the CPU

Physics Score 9987

Physics Score 10077

According to software I already have; HWMonitor and CPU-Z, my mobo is: MSI X58 Platinum(MS-7522)
The thing is, if I am to buy the 6gb 1060, which I want but I'll be satisfied with the 3gb.
I am going to need a better case, which might actually be the NZXT S340 instead.
(still debating whether black or white, what do you think?)
But since I am no expert, I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'll need a replacement mobo for it to work.
And when it does, if I get the performance I desire, or if the lack of better components beside my GPU,
like my older CPU, is bottlenecking the possible performance of the GPU.
I don't want to spend money on something I can't use properly, else it would be better to spend less on the 3gb version.

This is a rookie question but I need to know regardless; is there anything that affects performance of the computer in terms of framerates and loading times (also processing like with Adobe software) besides the CPU and GPU?
Of course there are things that can make it worse, like bad PSU, overheating, slow drives and low ram, but anything that directly affects performance?

To finish my myriad of questions, I'd like to know whether my ram needs replacing.
I currently have a 2x2+1x4=8gb setup in 3 sticks. DDR3
NB Freq; 2138
DRAM Freq; 534
''But since I am no expert, I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'll need a replacement mobo for it to work.''

i dont think you will , but theres all ways that slight chance just be sure if the card dont work you then try the latest bios . you say you use v1.5 ? the last latest is now v3.9 but still from 2011

whats sad is i go to msi and they dont even seem to list your board or any that old or a x58 ?? where are you getting the support from ???

i found it

i do see it was a real board and sold

maybe time to step up to somthing today wise ??

as far as the rest i guess you need to satisy yourself on what color and all that its your build not mine i hate to ask what OS your useing on that X58 ?

on the card i guess its buy it and see if it works latest bios or not ?? maybe fine ??

now see use the driver finder and a gtx 1060 and see no OS below window 7 is supported so if your running XP or vista no driver support on the 10 series cards

maby time to retire that old girl ??

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate.
I guess a replacement is inevitable then, so a gpu and mobo and case, I see.
I bought this pc secondhand only two years ago, can't believe the hardware is that outdated, really rubs me the wrong way seeing as how I paid a decent amount for it.
it maybe old but still good . lots of guys run there x58's still today

thing is I would get the card first and see it may be fine and dandy then if not move on . or instead of a 10 series look at a 900 series like a 960/ 970 or 980ti or something

If you go to do a new build I would just buy and try the card in your old one first even if it works that give you time to make a better plan on doing a new build and then just move the card up to it .
looking here seems its a good chance the card will work [Motherboard MSI MSI X58M (MS-7593)]

see how many results used a MSI board like yours you may find yours being used in one of them Core i7-920 Processor&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060-3GB

1060-6gb [Motherboard MSI MSI X58 Pro ] Core i7-920 Processor&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060-6GB

odds are in your favor

Yeah that makes sense, currently the fan on my gpu is broken, hence it overheats and gives me massive frame drops (from 70 to 5) before shutting off my displays.
I will try to fix it to keep it alive enough for me to buy a 3-6gb 1060 (as that truly is my preference)

I do feel like a new mobo down the line would be a good thing however.
Do you have any recommendations for one that isn't too expensive but would still be better than what I have now?
ya, I broke my fan blade and some how screwed up the fan motor on my 7850 I just took a old card and took the fan out of it , and super glued it in the 7850 [mounting holes not close ] , but worked good still today

''I do feel like a new mobo down the line would be a good thing however.
Do you have any recommendations for one that isn't too expensive but would still be better than what I have now? ''

???? whats good for me , him , and the guy down the road may not be so much for you ??

why I said to grab the new card and if it work then that gives you time to look things over not in a rush to buy and build

AMD has pretty much nothing going for then right now and I aint too hip on intels new skylake platform . if I had to build today I would try to rebuild another haswell platform [opinion]