New GPU Causes BSOD and Some Artifacts

Patrik Knolyn

Apr 9, 2017
I Need Your help guys i have a big problem
Last week i bought a new RX 460 and often causes me problem sometimes when im playing the game crashes and blue screen and my display screen showing some weird colors like black and grey do i have a faulty gpu or faulty drivers ??

GPU:RX 460

Then based on what we have looked at, I believe you have gotten very unlucky and got a bad gpu. The last thing that it also could be is your motherboard isn't supplying enough watts through the pcie slot. That would mean that your motherboard went bad while switching which I would be highly suspect of. What model is your motherboard? Nvm saw it at the top.
My guess is one of three things.

1st: Unlucky and have a bad gpu, while this is easily tested but you need to have a second computer and stick this one in there and see if it does the same thing. If it does, you can almost conclude that it is the GPU.

2nd: If it is one of the rare RX 460's that has a 6pin power connector, you could have a bad power rail on your power supply. If it doesn't, it could be the power delivery system on the motherboard that might not have enough power to give the RX 460.

3rd: The last thing that I could think it would be is if your computer is trying to do the dual link crossfire or randomly your computer is switching between your APU and your GPU. The thing to check with this would be to make sure the cable coming from your monitor to your pc is plugged into the back of the GPU not the motherboard. If it is plugged into the motherboard, plug it into the gpu and see if your problems go away. If it is already plugged into the GPU, try the first option if you can.

My rx 460 have a 6 pin connector and i have a ocean 600watts truerated psu and i think its a chinese product, do i need to replace the psu ??

It could be going out but that is why I asked if you had a second computer to test the video card in or if you knew someone that you could test it in their system.
Hi guys...sorry for not responding to you on your previous messages..quite busy these past few days. FYI, I am still encountering same problem with my new GPU..just an inquiry, if you're saying that my PSU was defective, why was my old GPU GTX 560 that has more power consumption than my new GPU (RX 460) did not encountered same problem?

Have you been able to test it in a different computer? Did it work in the other one?

My gpu actually works and its like the problem is quit rarely to occur sometimes my gpu is working fine while gaming and surfing the web and sometimes not and the screen go artifacting and bsod and does a bad psu chord can be a problem to ?

Couple things could happen with the change in gpu. I do we were on the right track with a bad power supply. It could be a power cable or with the switch in gpu, could have triggered some sort of short to occur with in the power supply. The big reason to check the gpu in a different computer though is to check to make sure the short isn't on the gpu and triggering randomly. That last statement though has got me thinking that it could also be the gpu. Do you know what temperatures it is at when the BSOD does happen? Does the BSOD give you a code?

I dont know the temp when bsod appears and my gpu temp is not that high even when im gaming i put my fans at 80% speed at idle i get 34'c and surfing the web and playing videos and at gaming my temp is above 50-60'c and sometimes bsod occurs even though im just surfing the web and not gaming and im sure its clearly at a low temp. And yes there's a code and i dont quite understand it the last bsod on my pc and with matching some artifacts before the bsod occur and the error code is 0x00000116
So the error code is that the display driver failed and then couldn't reset itself. With that knowledge, it is now pushing towards bad driver installation. Go and download the Display Driver Uninstaller from Guru3D. Try removing the amd video drivers through that, restart the pc, then download the latest drivers for the rx 460.

If that doesn't work, I believe that your video card is bad and we need to start the RMA process with the company that made your gpu.

My gpu driver is on a latest update and i already clean all the drivers and redownload it again.
Then based on what we have looked at, I believe you have gotten very unlucky and got a bad gpu. The last thing that it also could be is your motherboard isn't supplying enough watts through the pcie slot. That would mean that your motherboard went bad while switching which I would be highly suspect of. What model is your motherboard? Nvm saw it at the top.