hello tomsharware,friends, i have a problem, i recently just bought a gpu, more exactly a R9 Nano (i live in chile where prices are a mess and this card was a little bit more expensive than a 1060) the problem, when i connect the gpu, the fans start running, the gpu start making heat, but nothing, wait, there is something, at first it was a full screen static with some colors like pink, after installed the graphics drivers with the igpu the pc has(i have to take off the gpu, this also means that the problem is with the gpu,because i could use the pc without the gpu, also not power, also bought a 700w evga bronze and a 1866 dimm ram)aftter the instalation, it was static, again, but this time it was only in the low part of the tv, like the size of windows toolbar but a little more, the rest, just black screen, and after that, here i am, with no idea of what to do. an even if u dont find the aswner or the aswner is negative, thanks.