I am currently working on a mathematical problem that requires significant data processing. For brevity, it is a combinatorial optimization problem that my current AMD A8 4-core CPU cannot handle as I am working with billions of data structures. p_threads can speed things up, but not as much as a GPU (*theoretically!)
My plan is to use the on-chip GPU for enumerating the data structures; however, I cannot find anything that states OpenCL runs on the integrated APU GPU. So without further to do:
Est Time of Purchase: Anytime. (*The GPU market still seems too expensive since the crypto-boom. I could wait some time here.)
Price Range: 200 USD. *not including shipping. (I can go above this number for a few bucks if GPU offers better performance.)
Prefered Vendor: newegg.com
Country: USA.
Usage: Combinatorics, specifically enumerative combinatorics for a card game.
If you are also familiar with OpenCL, any pointers as to how I can pick a "good" GPU for the problem at hand?
My plan is to use the on-chip GPU for enumerating the data structures; however, I cannot find anything that states OpenCL runs on the integrated APU GPU. So without further to do:
Est Time of Purchase: Anytime. (*The GPU market still seems too expensive since the crypto-boom. I could wait some time here.)
Price Range: 200 USD. *not including shipping. (I can go above this number for a few bucks if GPU offers better performance.)
Prefered Vendor: newegg.com
Country: USA.
Usage: Combinatorics, specifically enumerative combinatorics for a card game.
If you are also familiar with OpenCL, any pointers as to how I can pick a "good" GPU for the problem at hand?