New GPU help


Feb 1, 2015
So i have a gtx 970 in my rig along with a i5-4430 running on a cx600m (not the best ik).
I also have a r9 390 sitting in my closet. I tried using the r9 390 but i cant play games without it crashing after a few seconds, i tried a fresh install of windows to make sure there were no conflicting drivers but it didn't remedy anything. I rma'd the card twice now as well. I'm starting to suspect the psu isn't enough although i was told by countless sources it was. My question here: i plan on upgrading my pc summer-fall 2016 should i keep the 970 in my rig and just sell the r9 390 or just leave the card in the closet waiting for well who knows what. I wasn't happy with the temps coming off the r9 390 just at idle either.I play on a 1080 60hz monitor with a secondary that i use for non-gaming instances. The 970 is performing great in all my favorite games: skyrim, gta v Witcher 3 ect. While my r9 390 was showing gtx 960 like performance. If i would sell it i would put it up for about $300 usd. Opinions?
Sounds like a pretty fair price to me, and I would sell it. There will be something else out come this time next year and the 970 should get you that far. I'm enjoying my 970 as well and plan to wait some time before replacing it, say, sometime around the launch of StarCitizen whenever that may happen =p Upgrading is awesome but remember to upgrade for what you want to be able to do, not just because you have 3k back on a tax return and nothing else to do with it. If the 970 is working great and you're enjoying it, why switch now. Wait till another card comes out for a game that isn't out yet that will benefit greater from said newer card.
Sounds like a pretty fair price to me, and I would sell it. There will be something else out come this time next year and the 970 should get you that far. I'm enjoying my 970 as well and plan to wait some time before replacing it, say, sometime around the launch of StarCitizen whenever that may happen =p Upgrading is awesome but remember to upgrade for what you want to be able to do, not just because you have 3k back on a tax return and nothing else to do with it. If the 970 is working great and you're enjoying it, why switch now. Wait till another card comes out for a game that isn't out yet that will benefit greater from said newer card.