New GPU, lower performance


Oct 26, 2014
I had a PC with an q6600, Nvidia GTS 250 and 4GB of DDR2 RAM which was doing fine in games. It played AC4BF at low settings and 720p with 30fps. I decided to upgrade so today I bought a new R9 280 from MSI. I knew the CPU would bottleneck the GPU but this is ridiculous. With the new graphics card I manage to get 20fps at the same settings as with the GTS 250 in Black Flag. I have the newest drivers installed so WTF IS GOING ON?!
The MSI Afterburner tells me my GPU is clocked at 299MHz and the Memory at 150MHz. On the box it says something about silent mode, gaming mode and OC mode. How do I put it in the gaming mode?

550w which came with my case. You think it could be the problem?
Usually PSU-s that come with a case are very low quality
It would be useful to know what brand and model is it
Also as I said that Q6600 is a very big bottleneck, if you upgraded to let's say an Core i5 CPU your frames would go crazy

Your clock speeds are fine since you are most likely looking at them when the card is idle
Open MSI afterburner to monitor clock speeds and then jump in a game, your card's clock speed should jump up immediately when you load up a game since the card will switch to 3D mode
Could be PSU is not supplying sufficient voltage for load, or could be faulty.

Also, do a clean uninstall of all the old video drivers and also remove the new drivers. Reboot. Then install the new drivers from the CD that came WITH the video card. See if that helps.
as maddogfargo suggested, remove ALL old graphics drives and all traces of them from your pc. typically this is much more advanced than going to control panel --> uninstall as there will be registry and old folder items still laying around. I recommend Driver Fusion to accomplish this. you can use this utility to backup your drivers as well before you use it blow everything out (I have never had to restore though).

Basic instructions:

Install Driver Fusion free --> back up drivers if you fee like it --> go to driver family --> scan Nvidia and AMD drivers --> remove all items (this will leave your pc driverless, so it will default to a crappy resolution based off of windows default drivers) --> reboot --> OPTIONAL boot into safe mode and run driver fusion again --> download last AMD driver suite --> install --> reboot --> be happy

this will scrub your system clean to ensure that youre doing a fresh driver install. I use to do this back when I used AMD drivers as I was seeing performance decreases when I would update my drivers. ran this bad boy and did a fresh install; fixed all my issues.

I deleted the old video drivers from control panel. Battlefield 3 works great at Ultra settings (45-60fps), AC Brotherhood also works fine at ultra settings (60fps) but I still get 20-25fps in AC Black Flag on the lowest possible settings. A weird thing is that I get the exact same fps (20-25) with everything maxed out. I have the exact same problem with NFS Rivals and Assassin's Creed 3. FIFA 15 simply freezes after 1 minute. All these games should run fine on my PC since I have the minimun/recommended specs.
Other games seem to work fine.
I will now try what knawolv suggested.

The PSU is made by a company name Trust. I'll tell you the exact model tomorow because I have no time to open the case now. I am getting a new PSU next week anyway. I hope it will make things better.

I would replace that PSU immediately even if it's not causing low performance, the only thing that PSU can do is to be a good fire hazard
Refer to this thread to chose your PSU

I second this notion. Even though it may be currently unrelated, a bad PSU can fry your entire system.

My new PSU is coming in one week but I don't think I'll will manage to not play any games on my PC till then. Is it possible to damage my PC if I play some games while having this PSU?