New GPU or CPU ( read details )


Feb 6, 2017
I currently have an i5 4460 and a GTX 950. My cpu was throttling for a good 2 days with like 12 hours of usage in those days (100 percent) and since then my FPS has dropped from 1200 in minecraft to 600 after I fixed the fans. I don't know if it's the CPU or just the GPU got bottlenecked because of the CPU being messed up for such a long time.
I have 250 dollar and am looking to either get a GTX 1060 or a i5 6600k + a new MOBO a couple weeks later.
Please tell me what's best.
I don't want to lag anymore so don't say " Upgrade them both at the same time ".

The fan broke so it was at 100 percent heat on HWMonitor

I want to be able to record like I used to, when the CPU was throttling I was getting 40fps on minecraft at the lowest setting until I change the fan. I want to record Minecraft with over 300 fps like I used to.

Well, you should never run it without a fan, although the chance of damage is slim.
If it was heat, I'd say upgrade the GPU, because that CPU can take on anything.
NOTE: If you're only playing Minecraft, it doesn't matter if you're getting 1200 or 600FPS, it's the same to your eyes.

I want the game to look appealing and 300 fps from 200fps is very noticable. I currently reach 200fps while recording and it's cancerous in my eyes. I use to record 300-500 fps while recording which was smoother to me.


I record 120fps not 60 fps so there is a huge difference.


My mouse is a lot smoother when it comes to tracking at a higher fps, which is what I set to achieve. At 60fps there is ALOT of mouse lag and it feels like im on 50 dpi.
Its a different issue than your FPS then, your frames would not impact your input latency.
Regardless of your opinions on the refresh rate, you are running the game over your recording targeting, and reaching the soft cap for a (poorly made) java game. You dont need to upgrade if thats your only complaint.

They correlate because when I have higher fps I have perfect mouse tracking. At a lower fps it's slower and skips.

Anyways, would you suggest a i5 4670k and no motherboard upgrade or a i5 6600k with a motherboard upgrade?
I've just decided to get the GPU first and then the CPU on my birthday in a couple months.
You would see no real gains in moving from a recent i5 to a modern i5.
IF you wanted to change out the processor, you would need to make a move to a modern i7 to make a performance difference*

*assuming you are running programs that could utilize the extra threads, otherwise its a marginal IPC increase and moderate clock speed change.
Definitely not a 4670k, that would be a sidegrade coming from a 4430.
@Gam3r01 There is actually a difference, even if the monitor can't display more than 60 frames, it still feels smoother on 200FPS. CSGO players notice this a lot. I thought it made no difference, because I don't play games, but to them it does matter.
I played MC for years and never noticed an input difference between 60 and 500+ (over the years of upgrading the PC as well as modpacks (optifine or not))
Not that this is the point of the thread, but I personally dont believe its grounds for an upgrade.

I have 250 dollars and I'm trying to make my computer record with good frames and render quickly. I heard that the i5-6600k + 1070 combo was very good. I don't have the money to get a 1070 so I've gone off to settle with the 1060. I understand that you don't understand the difference but for me it's very evident and hinders my performance in the game and disgusts me. I paid 700 usd for this crap of a PC.