New GPU or new PC


Feb 27, 2016
Hello Guys,

I am currently using a computer that I build in march of 2016 with the following specs;
- Intel I5 6600K
- 2x GTX 970 in SLI
- 1TB M.2 ssd
- 16gb 2133 Mhz RAM

It may be good to know for you guys that I am playing with an LG 1440p 3440 ultrawide montior with 60 hrz.

With newly released titles i am currently having FPS issues. I can only play high settings with roughly 30-40 fps on the newly released titles like for example Assassins Creed Origins. I also play a lot of Overwatch, for which I could use a bit more room in the FPS department as well.

Is it worth it to only upgrade the GPU's? Or should I go for a completely new build?
What would the difference be between for example a single GTX 1080ti and my current GTX 970 SLI setup?
Also, do you guys think Nvidea will release its new GPU line any time soon? The 1080s have been out for quite a while as far as I am aware.

I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you.
We have no idea as there is information not provided. As mentioned what is your CPU (per core, not as a whole) and GPU usage while playing? Make sure no software is limiting/capping your frame rate.

Also, what is the point of a whole new build? Replacing PSU, Case, HDD, motherboard, etc likely won't increase your FPS.

If you find your CPU is the limiting factor, you can: Try overclocking CPU/more. Try overclocking ram. Decrease settings like shadows or draw distance if available. Upgrade CPU.

If you find your GPU is the limiting factor, you can: Try overclocking. Decrease graphical settings. Decrease resolution. Upgrade GPU.
We have no idea as there is information not provided. As mentioned what is your CPU (per core, not as a whole) and GPU usage while playing? Make sure no software is limiting/capping your frame rate.

Also, what is the point of a whole new build? Replacing PSU, Case, HDD, motherboard, etc likely won't increase your FPS.

If you find your CPU is the limiting factor, you can: Try overclocking CPU/more. Try overclocking ram. Decrease settings like shadows or draw distance if available. Upgrade CPU.

If you find your GPU is the limiting factor, you can: Try overclocking. Decrease graphical settings. Decrease resolution. Upgrade GPU.
Well, I have also got an i5 6600k but only one GTX 970 and I don't think that the CPU should be the issue. Especially not with some OC. I have just watched some videos on youtube regarding AC Origins and I think that it is the game that isn't that good optimized. It seems to be harsh on every CPU even CPUs like a R7 1700 or an i7 7700k suffer from frame drops. Of course maybe you would get a few more fps with a better CPU but it would definitely not be the crucial factor in my opinion. A better GPU would help you out a little more I think. But eben then you would have drops below 50fps now and then because of the optimization.

But if you should buy a new GPU at the moment or rather wait is something I cannot answer. I personally expect Nvidia Volta to be released Q2 or Q3 2018 however it's performance is completely unknown so far. I thought about buying a GTX 1080 as well currently. But I will probably wait for Volta because I am hoping for GTX 1080ti performance with the new XX70 variant. So I don'T have the courage to buy a GTX 1080 or another Pascal GPU now because when Volta is released I am expecting the prices to fall rapidly so the there might be a loss of about €200 for one.

I hope I could help you at least a little.

Best regards :)