New GPU, stuttering and freezing in Borderlands 2 and GTA V


Jul 22, 2017
I recently got a GTX 1080 and from the start I've been having problems in a couple of games that makes them nearly unplayable. GTA V I mainly played just to test the 1080 but in singleplayer I get major stuttering that makes it completely unplayable. That's only in singleplayer, multiplayer is fine.

Borderlands is the one I would really like to play but every few minutes the game freezes and black screens for about 5 seconds. Then there's the more frequent but smaller freezing that is still extremely annoying after a while. Finally about every 30-40 minutes the game freezes completely and I have to kill it in task manager.

I get constant 120+ fps even at higher settings and the problems still occur at lowered settings.
I've tried validating game files multiple times and reinstalled graphics drivers at least twice and at this point I'm desperate for any and every possible solution.

Some specs if it makes a difference:

i5 6600k @ 4.2GHz
GTX 1080
16GB DDR4 2666MHz
Windows 10 Pro

Cpu is at 80-100%, gpu at 40-70% and boost clock up to 1886MHz at times.

then thats the issue.your cpu is bottlenecking your gpu in these games.gpu needs to be 80-99% not the cpu.usage.borderlands 2 is known to be pretty badly optimize and gta V just love more cores.

Any way around it without obviously getting a better cpu? I always thought bottlenecking just made it so I couldn't get all the power out of my gpu, I didn't expect stuttering and freezing.

for borderlands 2 u need to check with their own forum on what is causing the issue.for bottlneck the best solution is to get a new cpu.or u can try and upscale your res.right now at what res are u playing?

1080p, of course.

if ur monitor support 1440p play at that res so u can get the gpu to work harder and reduce the bottleneck