Hi, So I recently purchased a XFX r9 390 to replace a r9 280. So far it seems to doing alright, I have noticed something in the usage that seems a bit strange. So I have been using MSI afterburner to monitor temps, usage and fps. Well What I have noticed is that the GPU usage is not always constant. When I first start a game (GTA V, BF4) the usage sits at 0% and then slowly goes up to 100%, but it wont stay there for long! After a while, it starts dropping, it might drop and hang around 90%-99%. Then it just drops even more to 50-70, and sometimes even go as low as 0-15. It just goes all over the place, it is never constant at 99-100% which I remember my old r9 280 was. Something I have also noticed is when I stand still doing nothing, it drops to 0% and stays there for a bit till I start moving around. Anways, my problem is not really that the FPS drops or anything, is that even while the GPU usage fluctuates around quite a bit, the FPS doesnt really drop when it does. I have been reading of people who have this issue, but when their usage drops to 0% they usually experience freezes or FPS drops. When it happens to me, the FPS stats at a constant 60 FPS. Thats exactly why I find it strange! It could be at 99%, start dropping to 70% then 50% eventually 0%, but the FPS always stays at 60FPS. The temp never goes over 70C, the CPU runs at about 50-70%, with temp being at about 60C. Drivers are up to date. I am completely lost as to why this happens. Maybe even afternurner might be reading wrong? Even though the performance is not affected it does sort of worries me since I heard GPUs usually do run at 99%. The only thing I can think of is that I have a 550W PSU, and the recommended is 750W, but I was told that 550W should run it fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Full PC specs:
Intel i5 4590
XFX r9 390
Msi h81m-p33 Mob
Full PC specs:
Intel i5 4590
XFX r9 390
Msi h81m-p33 Mob