New GPU YouTube problem


Aug 28, 2016
I just got my new MSI GTX 1080 ti GAMING X, installed it no hassle - amazing performance.
However, when I went to watch a YouTube video, I'm getting this weird issue where the video stutters, and comes back with huge "pixels" that eventually sort themselves out. This happens maybe once every ten seconds on 1080p, the same on 720p and 480, albeit a little less noticable (the "pixels" are a smaller size). I have tried both chrome and edge and restarted both browsers. I have restarted my PC several times after driver installation, and I see no reason why it would be the monitor. I will try rebooting the PC again, but I would like some advice to what it could be before I reinstall my browser and lose all my bookmarks etc..

This is an example of how it looks.

Thank you for any and all help!

If anyone can tell me what this graphical glitch is called I can do more research myself, but seeing as i have no clue it's hard to figure things out for myself.

My temps are 56 c GPU (high, but expected as the fans don't kick in before 60 c). Everything else is idle, and I've never had this problem before i switched GPU.

Last thing I did before switching out the GPU (my last was a gigabyte 780 ti windforce) was to go to MSI's page and download the driver there. It took me on a whole NGE (nvidia geforce experience) ride and i chose custom installation and "clean install". I repeated this after I installed the new GPU seeing as NGE wanted me to update some parts of the driver suite. I chose the "clean install" option this time as well.

edit: Just as an update, after watching the same youtube video, it seems to happens less and less frequently. On the (not even off-)chance that I'm making a fool of my self, I am thinking in the lines of caching. I know jack **** about that kind of stuff so just pretend I didn't say anything if it's nonsense.

OK, I will do that. Problem seems to have gone away now, anyway. But what you said is something that can't hurt and something that should be done either way.

Sorry if I bothered you unnecessarily, but I had no idea the answers would come this quickly, and I was being a bit pro-active.

Thank you so much for you help, have a good weekend!