new graphics card bad performance


May 2, 2014
hi I recently bought myself a new graphics card I bought the r9 270x. I only have one HUGE problem, I get tons of lag in 99.9% of my games. such as BF3 and BF4 I get about 30 fps on ultra settings. even on minecraft I only get 40 fps. on my old card I would get a solid 60 fps even when recording. also on payday 2 I don't get a solid 60 fps it jumps from 60 fps to 40 fps. it can even go down to 20 fps when im recording payday 2. as you can see this is a major problem and im not happy with the performance. im on amd's latest drivers 14.4 could that be the problem? if i go back to the 13.2 drivers would i get better performance? here are my specs

gigabyte r9 270x
8gb of ram
500 watt psu
fx 6100 3.3ghz

i know my cpu is bad but i know it couldn't bottleneck the GPU that bad. please help me
the 13.2/12 driver may help, as this has been the case with the current 14.4 beta/non driver, try downgrading. I did this solution with someone else who had a R9 280X, it worked. Only some cards are effected by the current driver, yours may be.
BF4 benchmark with that card runs around 42 FPS according to

Be sure to use the optimal settings for the card too, tweak them per game if possible.
could you link me to a download for the 13.12 drivers thanks for the info aswell 😀