New Graphics Card, BSODS


Jan 22, 2016
So my old graphics card which was an EVGA GeForce GT 640, and I'm pretty sure I fried it. I was playing Garry's Mod and loading a server when my computer gets really loud. I smell burning, so I immediately shut down the computer and open it up. The card was really hot, but I didn't take it out. I then try to play CSGO, in which I notice a large change in framerate. So, I assumed the card was broken. I then ordered a new graphics card, which is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 950, and it arrives and I install it and the drivers. So, I go to test it on CSGO, and it works great. 300 fps with max graphics. Suddenly, 30 minutes into playing the game I get a BSOD with KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR. Whenever I tried to play a 3D game I got that error a little ways after playing. So, a friend of mine told me I needed to update my drivers. So I did, and I still got the errors. It's been happening for a few days now, and I ran a disk check earlier this week, and it delayed the BSODs. Now they're back, and I'm not sure how to fix them.
My specs:
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960
Motherboard: Asus z-97
PSU: Topower 500-watt 80 plus bronze
CPU: Intel core i5
Memory: 4gb
Harddrive: Seagate 500 gb