new graphics card buy


Agreed. Only go SLI if you already own one of the cards, to save money. Else, get the best single card you can. that way, you can upgrade later by getting a second one.


won't 2 r9 280x or 2 gtx 770 outperform the gtx 780ti?


The only reason you need 2 770's or 280X's is if your doing a ton of video editing or photoshopping. Most games won't take advantage of the second GPU, and I don't think it'll happen for a few years. Were only now getting the point of some games taking advantage of hyperthreading in the Intel CPU'S.

Yep :)

I am not going to upgrade my gpu for a considerable period of time. that is why i am approaching 2 gpu's

780 Ti all the way then. You could have in it use for a number of years, I'd say you could push up to 5 years of use, if you really wanted to.

then 2 gtx 770's or 2 r9 290x will probably last much longer. right?

Honestly, the 780 Ti should. Were only now to the point of games using the hyper threading in the intel cpu's. I just don't see game's in the next 4-5 years using Sli'd cards. Just go for the 780 Ti. If you wanted to down the road if the price's drop in let's say 3 years time you could buy another if their cheap enough if you wanted too. But you don't have too. I see the 780 Ti being able to play games up to 4-5 years, on at least medium settings, and at the tip of the ice berg (5 years) low-medium if your lucky.