[SOLVED] New Graphics Card for Foxconn N15235 motherboard


May 1, 2013
I have motherboard of foxconn n15235. I just wanted to know which graphics cards it can support with how much ram and speed. Please give some examples and where to buy.
AMD or Nvidia, your motherboard does not care which brand you choose. The only time it makes any difference at all is if you are running SLI or Crossfire, then the board must support that feature. Other than that, get whatever you want. Makes no difference and one brand of GPU will not outperform the other because of the motherboard chipset.

But make sure that you have strong CPU (core 2 duo or quad) to avoid Bottleneck.

As for RAM speed it supports 1333 / 1066 / 800 MHz DDR2. I think 4GB will be maximum size (2x2 or 1x4).

Thanks, could you give me some examples of graphics cards that could run Farcry 3, and also how do I find out if I am running SLI or Crossfire? Sorry I'm a bit of an amateur at computers

Thanks in advance
It's top quality Power supply unit, it feeds the system and VGA with all required wattage to run perfectly without any trouble, also if you want to upgrade it'll be enough for upcoming system.

would you like me to suggest more modern build within you budget (excluding case,HDD, monitor and Optical drive) ?
Asus AMD Radeon HD 7850 DirectCU II Graphics Card or Gigabyte ATI HD 7850 Graphics Card? They both have good reviews but I'm not sure which one to buy, the games im looking to be playing are: Far Cry 3, Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs, Bioshock Infinite. Or should I just spend abit more money so I can play on ultra?