New Graphics Card, Games Not Working

Mr Pedantic

Jul 23, 2014
Hello, I am having issues with a graphics card which I have just today installed into my system. The card is a 7950hd (HIS IceQ 3gb BOOST Edition) and is partnered with 6GB of RAM, a Biostar TA-970 Motherboard and an FX-6300 at stock speeds.

The issue is that when I start a game the monitor which I have (LG M2250D) displays "No Signal" after a few seconds, if tenth of a second after starting the game. However, this varies with the game which I have. For example BF4 cannot reach past the Singleplayer loading screen; the part after the black screen with the small cursor in the top right of the screen. When reaching this point, the sound lags that is being played through my headphones (like very laggy/frozen) and the monitor displays the message mentioned above.

However in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 I can reach the main menu, alter any settings, load a game but when choosing my team and spawning in the exact same process occurs. I have no idea of what is going on but I have 2 guesses which I think are not right.
1. The card isn't working (which I hope is not the case), or is overheating causing the computer to shut down (I will monitor the temperatures now).
2. The motherboard is not compatible with the drivers which I am running; I have tried both the most recent AMD drivers for the card and version 13.9.x, yet the problem still persists.

I have all of the necessary drivers installed for each component but I cannot work out what the issue is. I honestly have no idea of what is going on, and I would appreciate it if anyone could give me any insight of resolving the issue.

I know this is a long piece of writing, but thank you for taking the time to at least read through it.

EDIT 2: So I purchased a new power supply, the Corsair CX750M to be exact, yet the problem still persists. I cleaned my GPU die and re-applyed thermal paste, cleaned my CPU for thermal paste and added a fresh batch. This altered the idle temperature of the card from 48 degrees Celsius to around the 30 mark. However, I am still getting the problem which I explained above. As soon as I start Furmark my PC shuts down and I have to hard-reset it as mentioned before. I have no idea what the issue really is. The card was purchased used, so I am starting to think that I bought it broken. Anyone have any insight to the issue?

I wouldn't know this, it wouldn't hurt to spend a bit of money on a repair specialist to check whether the card is a half DOA or something, the card might be overheating or turning off. Check your BIOS for stuff as well because there might be a setting or two that aren't quite tweaked enough to match the computer. Hope this helped :)
Thank you for the reply, I haven't been able to for the past few days. However I think I know the root of the problem; my corsair power supply is only a 500W one, and because I am running a 95W TDP processor as well, this means the 500W is being exceeded by the graphics card when it starts an intensive activity, therefore shutting down my PC. I am going to order a new power supply after I can get rid of my previous 7870HD on ebay, but hopefully this should be the root of the problem :)