New Graphics Card Installed, Causes No Boot


Dec 30, 2014
I Recently performed a factory system reboot on my DX4870 desktop. It has windows 8, an Intel i3 Processor 2130, intel Hd Graphics, 4gb DDR3 Memory, and a 700W power supply. However, when the system reboot was completed, there was no boot up sequence. when I unplugged the graphics card everything worked again. the graphics card is a Geforce GTX 650 from MSI. I know that the computer, PCIE slot, and graphics card all work because they were fully functional together before the reboot. since i can't get a display with the screen with the card in, i cannot install the Nvidia driver needed to use it. is there any way to fix this problem?
when in the bios, it will have a video category, check each section, but one will offer the choice to choose between "add on" and integrated, you want add on. that should not require the advance bios
I think you have to set the bios to use the graphics card, as some will only use integrated graphics unless told to due otherwise, when a card is detected, it can not decide what to do, and the boot sequence halts. The bios should have the option in the bios, make sure it is changed to use the graphics card whenever present.
please inform me if that worked or if there are questions.
I'm not exactly sure how to do that from my bios. From what I understand, I need to go into advanced settings in the bios menu. However, from there I'm not sure what to do
Wen I did my system restore all the nvida drivers were removed and everything was put back to factory settings. So all the drivers for basic parts were there but were out of date so needed to be updated. So I have everything but the driver I need o use my graphics card.
The only way that I know how to disable my integrated graphics is through device manager. I don't know how to do it through my p11-a3 bios. But disabling it in the device manager has no effect.